Purdy prepares for summer

As the school year came to a close last week, the Purdy School Board recapped the year’s successes and plans for the future.

With the passage of the district’s to tax increase bond measure, school grounds will be buzzing with activity throughout the summer, with plans to improve the school entry ways with duel entry points to improve school safety, upgrades to the school’s kitchen and cafeteria, new pavement and more.

Graham said work is going to begin on campus some time before Friday, when preparation for new asphalt and sealant begins on the school parking lot and demolition begins on an old outdoor basketball court.

Graham also said bids open for interior work on the cafeteria June 7.

Moving forward, Graham said he will include monthly updates on construction throughout the summer.

“It’s been a great year, and I have certainly learned a lot,” Graham said of his first year at the helm at Purdy. “It’s definitely been a growing year.”

Graham also said the district is working to correct some issues that were uncovered during the district’s food service audit.

He said the school is in he process of updating its civil rights policy to include a discrimination clause. Graham also said the district is in the process of updating its wellness policy.

While looking at the food service audit, he said the district is also considering increasing the price of adult meals for next school year, and will be bringing the cost of milk up from 25 cents to 37 cents.


Who: Purdy School District

What: Summer projects

Why: To improve school safety and facilities