Superintendent’s corner: Summer projects planned

We closed out the 2021-2022 school year on Thursday, May 19.

It’s hard to believe this school year has already ended. I want to thank our students, staff, parents, and community members for an incredible year. On Sunday, May 22, 138 outstanding students earned their diploma from Cassville High School. Family and friends were fortunate to celebrate with these seniors on this exceptionally beautiful afternoon.

Many people, most importantly our families and educators, have supported these students along their journey from preschool to graduation. Our graduates are leaving us prepared and ready to participate in a democracy, positively improve our community, and enter a career or extend their education. I hope they are also leaving Cassville R-IV Schools fulfilled, connected and thriving.

Together (two campuses serving 1,900 students) we have accomplished great things this year. Thank you to our fam ilies, the community of Cassville, local business supporters, and many others who helped our schools and the district make so many gains.

If you have a student coming back to Cassville R-IV Schools in the fall, we will be working hard over the summer to prepare for a great 2022- 2023 school year. We will be adding exciting new educational opportunities for students in all of our buildings. We anticipate many maintenance and safety upgrades to be completed to our buildings and grounds at all of our schools. We also will begin two extensive projects on our grounds this summer:

1) the elementary playground projects will be close to completion by the time school begins in August, and

2) the baseball/softball turf projects will begin in early July with a projected softball field completion in early September and a baseball field completion later in the winter.

With construction and supply chain uncertainties, it is difficult to have definitive timelines with few guarantees on any projects, but we will remain optimistic this summer. We will keep you informed about project progress throughout the summer when significant milestones are achieved.

Beyond these projects, our staff will also be preparing all buildings and classrooms, participating in trainings, and creating the conditions conducive for student success for the 2022-2023 school year. Building on this year’s positive accomplishments, we look forward to greeting your child on the first day of school on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

We additionally look forward to getting to know you better and partnering to ensure your child’s story, strengths, and needs are known and supported.

Over the summer months, district leadership will make contact with you and provide opportunities for families to engage and ask questions. This information will be communicated on our website and through social media. If you have not already, please connect with us via Facebook under “Cassville Public Schools” or Twitter under “CassvilleSchools”.

I hope you have the opportunity this summer to spend time with your family, friends, and loved ones. I will be doing the same and taking some time to rejuvenate this summer in preparation for next school year.

It is a privilege to serve you, your children and this district. If you ever have questions, please contact me by phone at 417-847-2221 or email at mjohnson@cassville.k12.

Merlyn Johnson is the superintendent of the Cassville school district. He may be reached at 417-847-2221.