Cassville High School band, choir boast successful seasons

The Music program at Cassville High School has had a successful contest season and enjoyed marquee moments at local concerts.

The ‘Wildcat Jazz’ band competed at the University of Central Missouri and Pittsburgh State’s Jazz Festivals, earning a II+ rating (Excellent) at UCM and a 1 (Superior) rating at Pitt State.

‘This year was the first time our Jazz Band has competed at a Jazz Band Contest for at least the past eight years,’ said Micah Boise, Cassville band director. ‘Coming back was a challenge, but one we rose to and were successful.’

The concert band also delivered several performances, which Boise said received raving reviews from fellow students, parents and community members on the quality of music being performed.

‘We even had several students make the All-District Band (an audition- only band composed of the best musicians from our entire competitive district–SWMO) and All-Conference Band (chosen by all the music teachers in our area),’ he said.

The Show Choir has been rebuilding and working hard this year, achieving Third Place at the Webb City Show Choir Festival recently.

‘They are looking forward to increased participation and a return to our normal ‘Centerstage’ (our Show Choir’s Name) prowess for next school year,’ Boise said. ‘These awards, recognition and great responses from our community have boosted our program’s notoriety. Several key community members (including Greg Beck, with The Show; Carolyn Bowen, former Board of Education member; and Trent Oliphant, Community Performing Arts Program and former educators from the district) have mentioned that our program is gaining momentum and improving both in numbers and in quality of music.’

Boise said COVID-19 had limited the music programs in recent years, but they are rebuilding.

‘This year, we have finally returned to the traditions and reputations we had once before of being one of the top-performing groups in our community,’ he said.