Brandon Tanis

Age: 41

Current Occupation: Engineering Detailer at Arning Companies/ Staff Sergeant in US Army Reserve

Past Experience: 10 years CNC machining for the tool & die industry. 7 years retail sales (part time). 14+ years in the US Army Reserve as a Civil Affairs Specialist (still serving)

Education: Tooling and Manufacturing program at Grand Rapids Community College (unfinished). Currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration – Project Management through Liberty University

1. Why do you want to be on the city council, and what qualifications support your candidacy?

I want to be on the city council to help make the community that I love a place where people want to live and raise their children, and where their children will want to stay raise their children. I have two years’ experience serving on the city council and over eight years’ experience as a Noncommissioned Officer in Army Reserves.

2. If elected, what do you see as your top priorities?

My personal top priorities are parks and road improvement. The city has been developing a long-term plan for the improvement of both our parks and our roads.

I intent to facilitate the implementation and completion of that plan as best I can.

3. What will be your approach to managing the city’s finances?

Seligman already has in place a solid financial plan accounting for both the immediate and long-term needs of the city that I support.

4. Are there specific areas of the budget you like to cut, or any areas you would fund more?

No, the city budget is already well balanced.

5. What will be your approach to economic development and growth of the city?

Working to improve the appeal of Seligman so that the population will grow, and therefor the city will become more attractive for businesses looking to start up or expand into the area.

6. What (if any) capital projects would you like to pursue if elected?

The City of Seligman has several long-term capital projects currently in motion regarding improvements to the parks, water tower, water systems, and sewer.

I intend to see these to completion.