Final finance reports filed in sheriff race 

Spending ramps up as Election Day approaches on Tuesday

By Kyle Troutman

Candidates for Barry County sheriff have all filed campaign finance reports required eight days prior to the election, detailing their donations received and their spending since the second quarter reports.

Candidates are listed in this report by the order of their report filing date, from earliest to most recent. The filings report receipts and expenditures from July 1-25, and the report was due July 29. Primary Election Day is on Tuesday, with polls open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The committee McGuire for Barry County Sheriff, Karen Periman, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports Mike McGuire, of Cassville, current Cassville Police Department officer. McGuire suspended his campaign on June 26 due to time needed to recover from an April on-the-job shoulder injury. 

He is not supporting another candidate and will remain on the ballot since the deadline to withdraw with a court order was June 11. While he is not actively campaigning, McGuire said he would accept the position should he be elected.

McGuire filed a limited activity report, which is signed to certify neither the aggregate amount of contributions nor aggregate amount of expenditures exceeded $500.

The Committee to Elect Randy Kalbaugh Sheriff, Ruthanne Matthews, of Aurora, as treasurer (replacing Dustin Edmondson, of Cassville), supports Randy Kalbaugh, current Stone County deputy. 

According to his report dated July 27, Kalbaugh had $410.40 on-hand on July 1. He received $5,500 in donations and spent $5,352.03, leaving him with $558.37 as of July 25 and no indebtedness.

Donations to Kalbaugh included: Joyce Patty, of Exeter, $1,500; and Angela Kalbaugh, of Aurora, $$4,000.

Expenditures under $100 include: $$100 for office supplies.

Kalbaugh listed no new expenditures on his July 27 report, as funds raised in July were used to pay outstanding debt to Copy Cat Printing, of Cassville. An amended second-quarter statement added a $62.28 late fee also paid to the business. 

The committee James Morgan for Sheriff, Billie Reibert, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports candidate James Morgan, of Washburn, current captain of criminal investigations division at Delaware County Sheriff’s Office.

According to an amended report, dated July 31, Morgan had $23.59 on-hand on July 1. He received $$5,305 in donations, plus $85.65 in in-kind contributions, and spent $4,619.26, leaving him with $709.33 as of July 25 and indebtedness of $1,300.

Donations to Morgan included: JD Hunter, of Cassville, $1,730; Gary Fields, of Cassville, $500; Richard and Marcia Perkins, of Eagle Rock, $2,000; Danny Holloway, of Cassville, $500; Terry Burgess, of Seligman, $500; Carol Nelson, of Eagle Rock, $75; and Brigitta Vance, of Cassville, $84.65 in two in-kind contributions. 

Expenditures under $100 included: $40 for booth rental at the Purdy Festival.

Expenditures over $100, all listed as paid, included: $357.53 to the U.S. Postal Service for postage; $984.08 to Fury Printing, of Cassville, for tri-folds and flyers; $325 to the Cassville Democrat for a newspaper ad; $950 to Branson Tri-Lakes for newspaper ads; $1,670.08 to Universal Sign, of Grove, Okla., for campaign signs; and $176.57 to Thread Slingers, of Pea Ridge, Ark., for T-shirts.

The committee Danny Boyd for Sheriff, Debbie Gatley, of Cassville, as treasurer, supports incumbent Sheriff Danny Boyd, of Purdy.

According to his report, dated July 28, Boyd had $3,957.09 on hand as of July 1. He received $13,330.50 in donations, plus $53.11 in in-kind contributions, and spent $13,383.61, leaving him with $3,721.23 as of July 25 and indebtedness of $3,749.91.

Donations to Boyd included: John Hendricks, of Cassville, $500; Joe Lester, of Seligman, $100; Paul Strahl, of Cassville, $30; Julie Popanz, of Cassville, $1,136.08; Daniel Boyd, of Purdy, $500; Debbie Gatley, of Cassville, $1,060.42; Stu Gatley, of Cassville, $1,000.

Expenditures under $100 included: $54.11 for address labels; $17.06 for water for booths.

Expenditures over $100, all listed as paid, included: $336.08 to Julie Popanz, of Cassville, for campaign ads; $1,144.69 to Adrenaline Apparel and Design, of Monett, for signs and T-shirts; $681.30 to Debbie Gatley, of Cassville, for labels, ink pens, T-shirts and hats; $150 to the Barry County Advertiser, of Cassville, for advertising; $397.12 to Vista Print, of Lexington, Mass., for flyers; $1,000 to KY3, of Springfield, for a weather app ad; and $9,504 to Branson Tri-Lakes News, of Branson, for ads.

In total receipts this election, McGuire has taken in $12,480 and spent $10,392.60 (unchanged from his second-quarter report); Kalbaugh has taken in $$6,195 and spent $5,521.63; Morgan has taken in $16,972 and spent $12,305.67; and Boyd has taken in $27,427.90 and spent $27,873.52. 

Candidates are next required to file a 30 days after election report, due Sept. 5, if the committee spent money for the election.

Any individual or committee that receives a single contribution over $5,000 must electronically report the contribution to the Missouri Ethics Commission within 48 hours of receipt, and it must be included in the next filed report. Late filing results in $10 per day late fees.

Candidates must also file within 24 hours any late contribution in an amount over $250 less than 12 days before the election.