‘Women in Nature’ returns to Roaring River

Registration opens Thursday for the second annual “Women in Nature (WIN)” program at Roaring River State Park.

As its name suggests, the WIN program, which will happen on Sept. 21, is for females only.

“We have a limit of 40 participants, aged 10 and older,” said Anna Skalicky, park natural resources interpreter. “Last year, registration filled up within two weeks of opening date, so we advise anyone who’s interested to sign up quickly.”

The price for participation is $20 per person. Would-be participants may register online at https:// mostateparks.com/event/106571/win-women-nature, where space will be reserved on a first-come, firstserved basis.

For $20, registrants will be treated to four classes where they are exposed to practical outdoor skills, including fly-fishing, nature journaling, different styles of basketry and archery and atlatl techniques.

Skalicky describes an atlatl as a “primitive wooden hunting tool with darts” used by Native Americans.

All of the classes are hands-on and will be taught by a variety of women and their volunteer helpers, Skalicky said.

“Last year, my mom came down from Springfield and helped with the class,” she said.

Skalicky said the WIN program will conclude Saturday night with a campfire and s’mores.

“The classes all happen on Saturday, but a lot of women make it a full weekend of camping and fun at Roaring River,” she said. “Last year, a lot of women came down on Friday and stayed through Sunday.”

With that in mind, Skalicky said the park will offer overnight lodging at Camp Smokey for $6 per person, per night – Friday and Saturday nights — for women and girls who participate in WIN. For reservation information, please email Anna.Skalicky@dnr.mo.gov.

Last year’s inaugural WIN program proved to be a hit with the women who participated, Skalicky said.

“We had lots of mother-daughter teams, and a lot of women from outside of the Roaring River area, even from out-of-state,” Skalicky said.

More information about WIN can be found at https://mostateparks.com/event/106571/win-women- nature.