Who needs sleep?

As I was posting my football live updates article on Friday from the sidelines of the field at Wildcat Stadium, a Cassville sports mom posed a question to me — do you ever sleep?

This week — really this month — sleep is or the weak.

I am frequently asked how I can seemingly be everywhere, and frankly, it’s just the job. It takes hours of time and effort to cover a community appropriately, and we work hard to do it. I’m not sure if I remember what 40 hours a week feels like. Sometimes it makes me wish I had a normal 9-5.

However, that’s not how we do it. For some perspective, here’s a look at my last eight days.

On Oct. 7, I finalized my stories and photos for the Oct. 9 paper, and began designing the 20 pages of news and sports. Our 8-page Homecoming C section also ran, but special sections have to be submitted the week prior.

I usually design until I pick up my toddler from daycare at 5 p.m., then I go home and continue designing so I am in a comfortable enough place to hit my 2 p.m. Tuesday deadline. I very frequently put in 10-12 hours on Mondays, sometimes sacrificing things I wish I had the time for.

On Oct. 8, I finalized the paper and wrote my column, always my very last addition. Then, I jumped right into designing and placing ads for this week’s Fall Sports section. I typically shut the laptop down after 5 p.m. Tuesdays, but that’s when the lens goes up. Last week, it was the Cassville Pink Out Cross Country Invitational, which I shot for about an hour.

Finally, every Tuesday, I am back at the office sometime between 7 p.m. and midnight to organized our subscriber mail bundles and drop them at the Post Office for Wednesday delivery.

Wednesday mornings in the office are normally ate up with website management. Our site reads our PDFs and creates the stories for me, but it’s not an exact science. I look over each one to make sure they are correct, categorized and contain all the photos, as the site only adds one photo per story.

Most weeks, I get the website fixed up and schedule our social media posts just in time to head to the Cassville Rotary Club meeting at noon. Returning around 1 p.m., I dive back into designing the Fall Sports tab and get an interview or story done if I can squeeze it in.

On Thursday, I finalized the tab and jumped right into this week’s news and sports content. That afternoon, I also went to shoot the Cassville softball game at home.

Friday was a bear, one of those days I get why I was asked if I sleep. Through the morning, I continued gathering interviews and writing stories. From 1-2 p.m. I shot and streamed the Homecoming Parade from three different locations on the route. I came back in time to work up some photos and get most news done. I did get a couple hours break for dinner before heading to the Homecoming crowning and football game, but still, football Fridays are typically 10-12 hour days like Mondays.

Saturday gave a little relief. I piddled around the house for a bit before we went to a birthday party in Pea Ridge, but we had to be back by 5 p.m. for the Rodeo Parade. We made it with minutes to spare, and I got my shots.

Because we get so little time and a vacation is out of the question right now, Jordan and I planned a couple dates to blow off some steam. The girls went to grandma’s, and after shooting the Rodeo for an hour, Jordan and I went to see the new “Joker” movie in Monett — a 10:15 p.m. start time.

Sunday, we went back to Monett in the morning for my annual Father’s Day gift we’re just finding time for, a round of golf. Not counting my unlimited mulligans, I shot a 99, one of my best rounds ever.

No matter where my score comes in, we always have a ton of fun carting around the course listening to music and being out in the open.

Typically, Sundays are our time to relax and spend with family. It’s the one day a week I work extra hard to not have to work.

Then, Monday morning, the whole process starts again. Today’s issue, with the Fall Sports tab, is also 28 pages. I had nearly 60 photos I prepped for print, and those are just the best ones. In total, I took roughly 2,500 photos from Oct. 8-12.

Many more than what’s in print may be found (and purchased!) online at www.cassvilledemocrat. zenfoliosite.com/home.

As I wrap this piece up, deadline is in about an hour, and the process repeats itself. I have a Senior Living section to build; Thursday I will be in Willow Springs all day for the Ozark Press Association Convention, where I am a panelist or presenter in three of the day’s eight sessions; and Friday is the Barry County Brawl, thankfully at home.

Somehow, other than a family event at the Exeter Corn Maze (which I will probably take pictures at since I have yet to visit the maze this year), Saturday is free.

Seeing as next Saturday is the Chili Cook-Off, Friends of the Library Fall Carnival, YMCA Boo Bash and The Show, I think this Saturday I’ll try to get some sleep.

Kyle Troutman has served as editor of the Cassville Democrat since 2014 and owner/publisher since 2023. He was named William E. James/Missouri Outstanding Young Journalist for daily newspapers in 2017, and he is a twotime ISWNE Golden Dozen award winner. He may be reached at 417-847-2610 or ktroutman@cassville-democrat. com.

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