Balancing Biblical teachings with public discourse

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I have had several conversations of late with folks concerning how we connect our understanding of biblical teachings with the public discourse around current events.

Specifically, these conversations were focused on political policies and actions. There are all sorts of tricky issues surrounding this topic. For example, I try to keep what I say from the pulpit focused on our priority mission — which is not politics.

It is far too easy to trade in our primary mission for secondary causes. I think of the biblical story of Esau trading his birthright for the immediate gratification of a bowl of stew. Sometimes, those secondary issues are more popular than making disciples of Jesus Christ. When we look at how Christianity has become so closely aligned with divisive politics that Americans are leaving the church in unprecedented numbers, we should be very concerned.

The very people who we in the church say are our mission field have been increasingly alienated by the behavior of Christians. The inclination of those folks to even listen to the good news about Jesus that we cherish is greatly diminished. I think it is good to remember that Jesus changed the world more profoundly than any politician has ever done.

On the other hand, I also believe that Christians should be fully engaged in civic life in all kinds of ways, including politics. I am grateful for people who are willing to step into a decidedly messy arena and seek to faithfully advance the good of the people while genuinely living out their Christian principles.

This raises questions like how to frame issues and formulate government policies that are consistent with Christian priorities, while respecting people who have differing perspectives. It also challenges us to engage in the process of democracy in a decidedly different manner than what is typical.

How we treat people, how we speak about and toward others reflects who we are and how deeply we have been formed by the Sprit and Word of God.

This Sunday at our church we will be looking at Galatians chapter five. Here are a few key verses. In verse six, after saying that religious rule keeping has no value, Paul says the following: “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Verse 14: “The entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” And verse 22: “The fruit of the Spirit is love.”

One might dismiss these as pious platitudes. One can separate them off into some imagined religious sphere of life. Or one can take them seriously as vital core principles that Christians are obliged to follow and wrestle with what they might mean in real life.

Love is not abstract. It is only real when it is enacted in relationship to another person. Jesus specifically defined our neighbors in the Good Samaritan parable as people outside of our own group.

So for example, what does operating out of love for neighbor imply when we debate and formulate immigration policy? I don’t think there is a simple answer to that question, but I think we can clearly see when people discuss the topic without any evidence of love for the real people who are involved.

What does it mean when we discuss appropriate size and scope of government? I don’t think there is a simple answer to that, but I certainly wouldn’t want to be identified with what one top-level official said about wanting to intentionally cause trauma to people he referred to as bureaucrats.

Others might see them as dedicated public servants who deserve better, even if it is ultimately decided that their positions are not viable. Intending harm or trauma to anyone blatantly stands in direct opposition to Jesus and Paul’s clear instruction.

Again, my point here is not to take one political position over another on any given topic. My challenge to all of us who call ourselves followers of Jesus, is to conduct our own speaking and social media posting so that it is consistent with core biblical teaching — such as loving the neighbor as ourselves. We should also expect and ask our representatives to do the same.

Jesus said in Luke 6: “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

Perhaps if we would all spend more time filling our hearts with the words of Jesus than the words of hateful and divisive political commentary, we and our nation would enjoy much greater health and more closely reflect the heart and character of God.

That is ultimately the more important issue for the Christian.

Jeff Fugitt is the pastor of Cassville United Methodist Church, located at 601 Gravel Street in Cassville. He may be reached at 417-847-2328 or cassvilleumcpastor@

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