On Feb. 4, the Purdy chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) traveled to the annual FBLA District 5 Leadership Conference. Out of 35 student competitors, Purdy had a record 33 students place in the top 10 in 50 different events. Fifteen students earned a chance to compete at the FBLA State Leadership Conference which will be held in Springfield from April 13-15. Purdy High School’s FBLA students compete under the direction of their chapter advisers Kay Wright and Emily Kooi. Pictured are students finishing in the Top 5 of their respective events. Front row, from left: Makenna Willis, 2nd, Intro to Business Communication, 4th, Intro to Social Media Strategies; Leanna Moore, 1st, Graphic Design, 3rd, Networking Infrastructures; Lucy Lee, 1st, Social Media Strategies; Suana Lee, 3rd, Website Design; Gabriela Groomer, 3rd, Website Design, 4th, Healthcare Administration; Marely Salas, 1st, Social Media Strategies; Lizett Aldava, 4th, Intro to Event Planning; Allison Lopez, 4th, Intro to Event Planning; Kierstn Postlewait, 4th, Intro to Event Planning; and Lune Venegas, 1st, Personal Finance, 2nd, Public Policy and Advocacy. Back row: Brennan Hawkins, 1st, Intro to Business Concepts, 1st, Intro to Business Procedures, 4th, Intro to Information Technology; Emanuel Aldava, 4th, Sports and Entertainment Management; Savannah Bricker, 5th, Advertising, 5th, Journalism; Amanda Harris, 4th, Intro to Social Media Strategies; Hadassah Harris, 1st, Graphic Design, 2nd, UX Design; Grace Logan, 1st, Business Management, 2nd, Human Resource Management, 4th, Business Communication; Carter Keeling, 5th, Securities and Investments; Jenna Adams, 2nd, Business Communication, 2nd, Client Service, 3rd, Organizational Leadership; Teagan Manwarren, 4th, Securities and Investments; Easten Goetz, 4th, Sports and Entertainment Management; and Will Henderson, 4th, Sports and Entertainment Management. Contributed photo