Arkansas woman killed in collision

An Arkansas woman died in a head-on collision on Friday at 6:20 p.m. on Route F, five miles west of Eagle Rock.

According to a Missouri State Highway Patrol report, a 55-year-old woman, of Berryville, Ark., was driving a 2004 Ford Ranger westbound when her vehicle crossed the center line and struck head-on a 2024 Volvo semi tractor, being driven by a 33-year-old male, of Ceres, Calif.

The female was transported to Mercy Hospital in Cassville and was pronounced dead by Barry County Coroner Gary Swearingen at 9:30 p.m.

The driver of the semi was not injured.

It was unknown if either driver was wearing a safety device. The Ford was totaled, and the Volvo sustained extensive damage.

This is the 24th fatality of the year for Troop D of the Patrol, which covers 18 counties in southwest Missouri, including Barry.