News Briefs, March 26

Power of Pink schedules events

Power of Pink, a Wheaton-based non-profit organization with a focus on assisting people diagnosed with breast cancer, will hold its annual dinner and auction, as well as its walk and run, on May 9 and May 10. The annual dinner and auction will be held at the Wheaton High School gym, located at 116 McCall St., beginning at 6:30 p.m. The walk, run and auction will be held May 10 at the Wheaton city Park, beginning at 8 a.m. The timed run includes prizes to top finishers. All proceeds assist local women battling breast cancer. For more information, people may visit

Public Health Month upcoming

In Recognition of April as Public Health Month, the Barry County Health Department is offering testing on private well water for $10, using a department-provided water test kit to individuals from March 31 through April 2 . For the month of April, nursing stuff will conduct heart disease and stroke risk calculations with blood pressure checks, and offer STD testing, at a discounted rate. People should call 417-847-2114 for specific times and more information.

Second notice reminders mailed

Barry County Assessor Sherry L. Smith has announced second notice reminders, in the form of a post card, for the 2025 Personal Property and Business Assessment Lists will be mailed on Friday. Original Assessment Lists that were mailed out on Jan. 6, were due by March 1. However, the Assessor has extended the deadline, and residents still have time to file a list without receiving a late assessment penalty, providing the list is received in the office by April 30. Residents may file online with the information provided on the second notice post card, call the office, or personally visit the Assessor’s Office to asses. Those who receive a second notice post card from the Assessor’s Office, but have already returned a list, or didn’t receive an assessment list in January, should contact the office immediately at 417-847-2613 so staff can double-check records and be certain the individual is properly assessed before the final late assessment penalty deadline. New Barry County residents as of Jan. 1 who did not receive a form, need to call the Assessor’s Office immediately, or drop by the office for help filling a list. Anyone with questions or concerns may contact the Assessor’s Office, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Democratic Central Committee to meet

The Barry County Democratic Central Committee will meet on April 8 at 6 p.m. at the Cassville Branch Library, located at 301 W. 17th St.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed build April 12

The Exeter chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace will host a bed build on April 12, starting at 9 a.m., at Emmanuel Baptist Church, located at 821 Old Exeter Road in Cassville. Volunteers are needed to help build 30 beds, which are then donated to local youth in need. For more information on the organization, people may visit

Barry County Sheriff’s Office offering Citizens Academy

The Barry County Sheriff’s Office is offering its first Citizens Academy, an 8-week class every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. beginning April 1. Participants will learn the ins and outs of daily operations at the Sheriff’s Office, and the class is limited to 20 participants with applications on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants must be residents of the county at least 18 years of age and able to pass a background check. Applications may be emailed to, and people may call 417-847-6556 for more information. A copy of the application, as well as a release requiring a signature, is available at the Barry County Sheriff Office’s Facebook page. The deadline to apply is March 28.

Lawrence and Barry County Democrats to meet

The Lawrence and Barry County Democrats will hold a regular monthly meeting on Thursday at the Angus Branch Steakhouse in Monett. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. Those wishing to eat should arrive by 5:30-5:45 p.m., with each responsible for their own meal expenses. Russ Carnahan, chair of the Missouri Democratic Party, will be the guest speaker. He will discuss the growth and vision of the Democratic party in Missouri, as well as in the nation under the leadership of Ken Martin, the new National Democratic chair from Minnesota. All area Democrats and like-minded friends are encouraged to attend. For questions or more information, people may call Jim Kabell at 417-848-4640.

Ash Road District dissolution hearing in April

A dissolution hearing for the Ash Road District will be held at 9 a.m. on April 17 at the Barry County Courthouse, located at 700 Main St. in Cassville.

Chair Yoga classes in Wheaton

Louisa’s Chair Yoga and Beginning Yoga and Gentle Stretching classes to improve flexibility are every Thursday at the Wheaton Community Center, located at 117 Allman Ave. in Wheaton. Chair Yoga is at 2 p.m., and the Beginning Yoga and Gentle Stretching is at 3:30 p.m. There is no charge for the classes, but donations are appreciated. Classes aim to improve flexibility, lessen chronic pain, improve balance, reduce stress or provide relaxation. Participants should wear comfortable clothes for stretching and a Yoga mat if they have one. For more information, people may text Louisa at 417-772-6476.

General Municipal Election April 8

The General Municipal Election in Barry County is set for April 8, with polls opening at 6 a.m. and closing at 7 p.m. Photo ID is required to vote in the April General Municipal Election. Absentee voting runs through April 7 at the Barry County Clerk’s Office in Cassville, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Clerk’s Office will also be open on April 5 from 9 a.m. to noon for absentee voting. The last day to request an absentee ballot is March 26. Two-week in-person, no excuse absentee voting began March 25. If unable to vote in person, a voter may send a written request to: Joyce Ennis, 700 Main St. Suite 2, Cassville, MO  65625 or fax to: 417-847-5311. The Office will need: name, physical address, mailing address, date of birth, last four digits of Social Security number, phone number, reason for voting absentee and signature. Those who live in the Monett area can go to the Monett Chamber Office and fill out the absentee application. They will fax it to the Barry County Clerk’s office. Absentee applications are also available at For more information, people may call the Barry County Clerk’s Office at 417-847-2561 opt: 3 or email or

Seligman Bingo Night on first Tuesday of month

A Bingo Night will be held the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Seligman Chamber Event Center, located on Highway 37 north of the city. If at least 50 people attend, two train tickets will be raffled. In the case of bad weather, bingo will be postponed. The building is handicap accessible, and all ages are invited. Bingo cards are $1 per play, and there is no limit on plays. A variety of prizes, excluding cash, will be awarded. Sodas and water are available for $1 each. Alcohol and smoking are not allowed in the building. For more information, people may call Eldora at 417-342-3895.

Cassville Senior Center hosting monthly dances

The Cassville Senior Center hosts a dance and potluck dinner with live music on the first Friday of every month. The doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the live music and dance is from 7-10 p.m. Admission is $10 and the Senior Center is located at 1111 Fair St. in Cassville. All ages are welcome, and there is no cost for children 18-and-under. There will be door prizes, refreshments, a 50-50 raffle and a potluck dinner at 8 p.m., and attendees are welcome to bring a dish. All proceeds go to the Senior Center. The April event is April 4.

OATS rides available in Barry County

OATS Transit offers regular transportation services for the rural general public of any age, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. People may call the local OATS Transit office at 417-887-9272 or 800-770-6287 to schedule a ride or find out about services in the Barry County area. People may also visit the OATS website at to view local schedules under “Bus Schedules,” then click on the county of service. OATS offices will be closed, and regular routes will not be running on Feb. 17 for Presidents’ Day. OATS Transit is hiring drivers statewide to continue serving riders. Openings are listed on the OATS website.

Lessons offered before Seligman’s Saturday dances

The Seligman Chamber of Commerce country dances at the Seligman Chamber Event Center are every Saturday from 7-10 p.m. No alcohol is allowed. Admission is $10 per person, and 18-and-under are free. There is a potluck, 50-50 drawing and door prizes. Free dance lessons will also be given from 5-6 p.m. For more information, people may call 479-903-3640.