Through the Years, March 26

50 years ago

April 2, 1975


Contacts with oil drilling and field firms will result in the establishment of a new fabricating plant in Cassville and enlargement of an existing industry according to joint announcements. Joe Terry of Purdy, whose Mid-West Manufacturing Company will locate an assembly plant here and Glen Garrett of Garrett Manufacturing Co. both speculated respective company contracts would add to the bright employment picture of this community. Terry will operate in the former paper recycling spaces on County Farm Road in the industrial complex here. Fabrication of steel tanks in the 3,200 square foot building will commence April 7. The new plant, classified as a cutting, welding and bending operation, will see tanks eight foot, by five foot by four foot assembled here. Included in the process will be installation of valves, plumbing and measuring devices in the multi-compartment tanks. Terry emphasized his expansion of an existing machinery plant at Purdy would not be limited to these present contracts. The Purdy native said he was optimistic about the future of the operation. The fabricating unit will be to assemble the tanks used in oil drilling operations. Machining on some phases of the operation will be in the Purdy plant. Terry anticipates 12 persons will be employed at Purdy and initially six will be involved in the plant here. Terry said the Cassville facility will be a permanent one. Some equipment for the operation is on hand, additional machinery is due between now and next Monday. Spaces for the business were leased from the Little Three, J. C. Kenney, J. A. Hull and Herschel Stehlik. Fulltime operation of the fabricating unit of Mid-West will begin next Monday, providing arrival of raw material is on schedule. Garrett’s involvement with additional contracts, anticipated to last at least 16 months, will result in addition of three major pieces of equipment. Included will be a tape lathe, 48 inch vertical torrent lathe and four inch horizonal boring mill. These machines were being added to “accommodate several new contracts recently acquired from the oil field industry,” according to Garrett. Garrett is presently employing 96 persons. “Additional people will be hired when the project is underway,” a company spokesman said. The same Cassville industry has also announced plans to acquire its own computer equipment for general operations and bookkeeping serv-ices. Garrett said an IBM unit has been ordered and will be placed in service when delivery is complete and personnel trained.


Lakeview Trading Post at Eagle Rock, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson for the past 13 years, will have new owners effective May 7. The Thompson’s business, which they built in pre-Table Rock Lake days, will transfer to Norman Hillyer of Kansas City on that date. Hillyer, associated with the aircraft industry in Kansas City for a number of years, will assume full operation of the business. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will move to a home recently purchased in Wildwood Estates in Cassville. In addition to acquiring a business in Barry County, Hillyer will also become a bridegroom in his wedding April 19 to JoAnn Faulkner of Platte City. Ms. Faulkner is a sister of Mrs. Ed Sanders of Cassville. Ceremonies will be in the Sanders’ home. Lakeview Trading Post is on Highway 86 south of the community of Eagle Rock, overlooking the highway bridge across the reservoir. A residence is included in the building housing the general store operation.

40 years ago

April 3, 1985


Moving on phases of a building program for the district, Wheaton R-3 school district directors were in session last week. Superintendent Charles Cudney says two major items of business were covered in the session relating to the program. Involved is a $175,000 improvement program, financed by voter approval of a bond issue early this month. Cudney said architects for the project would have plans completed and available for public bid in April. The board also set March 5, 7:30 p.m. for opening of sealed bids for sale of bonds. Math instructor, Mrs. Connie Fortner, presented the board program on the math league which enters math contest with other schools. Mrs. Fortner reported that this program creates more student interest in the math program and that the math league is doing well in competition. The board met with architect to discuss specifics of the upcoming building program approved by the voters February 5. According to Jack Ball, final plans will be completed and ready for a public bid in April. The board discussed the current phone system and the savings that could be gained through purchase rather than leasing. A decision was tabled until a later date. Senior sponsor, Mrs. Connie Fortner, and seniors, Tom Leverich and Kathy Hixon, presented plans for a senior trip to Texas. The plans were approved by the board. In other action the board approved inviting the board candidates for the April 2 election to the next board meeting. Election notice and ballot for the April 2 election were also approved. The board discussed personnel in executive session. Attending this meeting were president Ronald Schad, Karen Vinyard, Larry Butler, Lynn Dilbeck, Lester Prewitt, Joe Higgs, secretary Connie Forgey, principals Don Cope and L.B. Nolan, student teacher Terrill Flaxbeard, and Superintendent Cudney.


South Barry County received an average of 3.75 inches of rain in home gauges during storms that passed through the area over the weekend. Cool temperatures that followed the storm brought heavy frost Monday and Tuesday mornings. Vollenweider Orchards between Cassville and Exeter reported readings of 24.5 degrees in low areas of the orchards. Heat and wind facilities throughout the orchards were put into action Monday morning. Tuesday’s dip was met with wind machines only, according to John Vollenweider. The orchardman said buds in various stages in apples probably resulted in “mother nature doing some thinning, which was no consequence at this point to this year’s crop.” Limited peach production in the area was probably damaged, according to observers. The weekend rainfall at the U.S. Forest Service was measured at 3.5 inches bringing to a total of 6.12 for March and for the year to-date 13.17 inches, says Darlene Murphy.

— AIRMAN GRIFFIS TO SHEPPARD AIR BASE Airman Rodney W. Griffis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. and Belva E. Griffis, of Cassville, has been assigned to Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, after completing Air Force basic training. During the six weeks at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. The airman will now receive specialized instruction in the aircraft maintenance field. He is a 1984 graduate of Cassville high school.

—STUMPFF PURCHASES FAMILY BUSINESS Donnie Stumpff of Cassville has purchased Walters Pest Con-Walters. Mis. add Mrs. Walters have sold their home here to Mr. and Mrs. Erwin C. Hampton of Oklahoma, and plan on moving to Springfield. He is unable to continue the business due to recent wreck injuries. Stumpff has been associated in the business for the past two years.

— LITTLE JOE FUND NEARLY $200K Little Joe. Transplant Fundreached$197,836.49 level this week according to trust secretary Ruby Reese.

30 years ago

March 22, 1995


Good news came to the Cassville Greenway project from two directions this week, according to city administrator Greg Beavers and city clerk Jo Ledgerwood. A meeting of park planning people learned the Flat Creek area has an exemption for historic preservation from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and that a time line for the project calls for construction to begin in August. Two firms, Howard Moore Group and Ozark Greenways of Springfield provided the time factors on the $74,000 project. Timing on the project is currently in a four week review from MHTD that will include review of plans, specifications and cost estimates. That’s scheduled for completion in early May. Next in line will be plans, specifications and bid documents for early June. A four week review period would be required by MHTD, followed by a three week bid phase, that should end about August 1. Reaching this stage would permit bids being accepted about August 15, at which time construction could start. Engineering estimates call for a 60 day construction period to be completed by October 15. A fall opening would then be possible for the project that first became a part of Cassville’s comprehensive plan in 1991. Initial planning began in June of last year Parks development people, Les Chapman, Judy Schlichtman and Dan Philbrick met with representatives of the two groups to review progress on the project that will be 70 percent funded by the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department. Beavers said the DR report said “the project area has been previously disturbed or has a low potential for the occurrence of cultural resources. A cultural resource survey, therefore, is not warranted.” Ledgerwood explained, “this report will save digging, money and time in the project.” For this reason the state’s historic preservation program has no objection to the initiation of the project activities. Parks people also received plans detailing the expanded phases of the project that now include the creek area south of Seventh Street city park developments through the area of the Highway 248 bridge, then following Lee Branch to a 40 acre park development purchased last year by the city just south of Wells Aluminum plant. The expanded area to the new park site would provide access to parking, ball parks and nature center plans detailed on drawings. Trailhead of the Greenway would be at the Cassville R-4 campus area of Rocky Edmondson Memorial Park, following the creek entirely through the park area. A sideline development possibility is a cooperative program through the Missouri Department of Conservation just upstream from the East 13th Street bridge to provide a handicap parking, trail and fishing area. Boardwalk areas could be established in the Greenway.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Table Rock Lake is preparing for a busy 1995 recreation season. Recreation areas with commercial marinas will be opened on April 1. In this area, they are: Big M, Campbell Point, Eagle Rock and Viola. Opening in May is Viney Creek, says Ken Fosterling, lake manager. Camping fees for all parks managed by the Table Rock Project Office will be: basic sites – $10, electric sites – $13, electric and water hook-up – $14, and full hook-up – $15. Picnic shelter fees will be $40 per day. Reservations for campsites and picnic shelters will be accepted the first day the recreation area is open. There is a $2 administrative fee for each campsite reservation.


Troop D headquarters of the Missouri Highway Patrol in Springfield has announced accident statistics for the past two years in Barry County. Captain M.B. Pace said 1993 had 474 accidents, 301 injuries and 12 fatalities. in the county. Numbers for 1995 have 456 accidents, fewer injuries at 259 and fewer fatalities at 10.


Cassville rural firemen responded to a mutual aid call from the Exeter department at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Firemen said a grass fire was headed toward chicken growout facilities at the Jim Matthews property. The two units confined the blaze. U.S. Forest Service and Missouri Conservation Commission units were in Butler Hollow fighting a burn over the weekend.