After 20 years of the same person holding the position of sheriff, Barry County in August will have its third contested election for the post, to be settled in the Aug. 6 Republican Primary Election.

50 YEARS AGO: AUTOMATED PLANT — New equipment additions are playing an important part in higher production at Garrett Manufacturing Co. in Cassville. Typical examples of this is shown in these photos.

In an effort to boost local tourism beyond the already popular Roaring River State Park, Cassville High School’s Multimedia students recently took on a partnership with Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce.
Samantha Sparkman, of Cassville, was recently initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society.
Longer days and warmer temps stir excitement in all gardeners. We start scouring seed catalogs for new releases, take trips to the local garden center, and revel in that unspoken competition to be the first gardener to start tomatoes (and the disappointment when you’re not).

As we observe Earth Day 2024 on Monday with a focus on “Planet vs. Plastics,” it’s crucial to think about one of our biggest environmental challenges: the widespread use of single-use plastic bags.

Who needs some Gin? Gin’s estimated date of birth is May 15, 2022, and she’s a black and brown Rottweiler. Gin and Tonic are sisters who were found and brought to us as strays. Tonic has found her home, but Gin is still looking for her people. Gin can be timid at first, but she warms up to new people within a couple of days, and when she sees somebody she knows approaching, she wags her whole entire butt.

Roaring River is low and clear, running at 45 CFS. The river has been fishing very well this week with beetles, ants, crackle backs.

Dennis Michael “Mike” Poehling, 74, of Shell Knob, Mo. passed away Thursday, April 11, 2024, at his home.

David Earl Watkins, 71, of Cassville, Mo. passed away Friday, April 12, 2024, at his home.