Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

50 years ago

Jan. 8, 1975 — SAVINGS FIRM WILL CONSTRUCT OFFICE BUILDING The Cassville agency of Monett Savings and Loan Association, has purchased property on Main Street and announced plans to construct an office complex.

Pet of the Week

Washington is ready to make his presidential run to your home. This fluffy little pup will be the ruler of your heart. He is a mixed breed labrador retriever and his date of birth is Oct. 1, 2023.

Trout Tales, Dec. 27

I was assigned to take photos at the reindeer games assembly at Cassville High School on Friday, and I as surprised to see the Student Council was thrusting teachers into the action this year. Here, Coach Tinker Kinser has all the grace of a baby seal as he keeps his arms up for Coach Matthew Allen to push him to the tic tac toe board, a game the pair won against their also teacher opponents. Through the assembly, we learned a lot about the newest teachers at Cassville High School, including which ones had been sent to the principal’s office as a student (both of these guys were), and how hard it is to knock over water bottles using a tennis ball in a pair of panty hose strapped to your head. There was only a little cheating. The assembly was a great final assignment for 2023.