Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

Sheriff: ‘We’re fully staffed’

Following an election year with a new jail under construction, Sheriff Danny Boyd said his Office is hitting the ground running in 2025. Staving off challengers in a four-candidate race — ultimately winning the August Primary Election by 48 votes among more than 6,000 after a hand and machine recount — Boyd said for the next four years in office, transparency and increasing service are his key goals.

Purdy schools close for sickness

Classes to resume on Tuesday BY KYLE TROUTMAN The Purdy school district is taking a wellness break. According to a social media post, due to declining attendance because of student/staff illness, the Purdy R-II School District will be closed…

Hang named to All-State Band

Monty Hang, a senior at Cassville High School who plays clarinet and saxophone, has been named Honorable Mention All-State Band. He is believed to be the first recipient of the recognition from Cassville in about 15 years.

Arrive Alive Tour coming to Cassville

Driving, texting simulator to be set up Feb. 10-11 UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour is the nation’s number- one ranked drunk and distracted driving awareness event, as well as the first-and-only marijuana driving simulator in the country.

News Briefs, Jan. 29

Preschool screening for 3- and 4-year-old children in the Cassville school district is scheduled for April 7 and April 9. Parents of 3- and 4-year-old children may call the primary office at 417-8472445 to schedule an appointment.

Through the Years, Jan. 22

40 YEARS AGO: NO TELLING HOW MANY — Joana Smithson, Cassville school nurse, is pictured above taking the temperature of a pupil in her office in the middle school building. Mrs. Smithson, who had been in the post 19 years, was honored by faculty and staff members with a reception last week.