Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

Dakoda Pettigrew: The meaning of the Declaration

The rain was falling with misty, unrelenting force as President Calvin Coolidge rose to deliver the greatest speech of his life. It was Monday, July 6, 1926, and the rain beat the president’s face as he stood before a crowd of 35,000 on the grounds of the Sesquicentennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the birthplace of American independence and constitutionalism. “Despite a fine drizzle, which became a heavy downpour,” The New York Times reported the next day, “the crowds patiently lined twenty miles of streets to pay their respects” to a man whose cool and quiet demeanor hid a patriotic intellect that could not be contained.

Purdy City Council to ride in Yule parade

BY MURRAY BISHOFF Special to the Cassville Democrat With holiday activities approaching, the Purdy City Council discussed participating and preparing for the New Year. Ken and Julie Terry, who host the July 4 celebration, will again offer the Purdy Community Christmas parade at 10 a.m.

Purdy students feed families in need

Students in Amy Harkey’s Prostart I & II Courses at Purdy High School prepared and distributed 250 healthy, complete meals of chicken and vegetable fried rice for families in their community last week. The meals, prepared through the Kids Feeding Kids program, were donated to families served by Purdy Prostart I students.

A little rain, a lot of bow!

Rainstorms on Monday afternoon moved through at dusk, resulting in a large, vibrant double rainbow arching over Cassville to the southwest. The scene lasted about 10-15 minutes, with many residents stopping to take photos of the light show. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-

Jon Horner: Giving thanks for gratitude

I’ve always loved Thanksgiving Day — it is one of those traditions that has meant a lot to me and my family throughout my 61 years on this planet. One of the reasons for my warm feelings for this day are the fond memories from Thanksgivings in the past.