Three families have been displaced due to a fire at an apartment building on Main Street on Dec. 20, 2024.

Make a toast, sing Auld Lang Syne, and eat some black-eyed peas for good luck! The clock strikes twelve midnight on Dec. 31, and a fresh New Year is ushered in.

Black Jack is a people loving boy who was found as a stray. His estimated date of birth is July 15, 2023, and his weight is 48 pounds.

Jill LeCompte, left, accepts a check for $16,686.53 on behalf of Share Your Christmas, a service of the ozark Area Action Corporation’s Barry County Neighborhood Center. This year, Share your Christmas provided gifts to 100 families and 315 children. Joei Blankenship, right, and Will Finch, were named Miss and Mr. Merry Christmas at Cassville High School for raising the most donations to the cause.
Winchell pins way to gold medal The Cassville girls wrestling team competed Dec. 20-21 at the Lady Mustangs Christmas Clash, with one Lady Wildcat rising to the top of the podium.
The Cassville boys wrestling team competed Dec. 20-21 at the Harrisonville Christmas Tournament, with 165-pounder Tristan Thompson earning the best overall placement.

Shell Knob in the Spotlight (SKITS) is proud to continue to provide Shell Knob and the surrounding area with high quality stage performances and fun entertainment since its first show, “A Hillbilly Christmas,” in 2013. While the audience gets to see the excitement on stage, and the actors open their hearts to dazzle them with their performance, there are other efforts and pouring out of hearts that make it possible to open those curtains, a press release said. SKITS is a non-profit organization and as such, relies partially on the benevolence of local donors and business sponsors, and the rest falls squarely to the support of several area grants. The Table Rock Lake Community Foundation (TRLCF) has been a huge supporter of SKITS and has partnered with the troupe for many years now, assisting with funding across several areas of the organization. The TRLCF has been integral in continuing to improve the level of production for SKITS shows, and this season in the storage of its stage and set pieces by providing the funds to purchase a shipping container. The TRLCF’s mission is “to enhance the quality of life in our region through resource development, community grantmaking, collaboration and public leadership.” “We strongly believe in what they are doing in our area and feel the impact of their contributions with every show we put on,” the SKITS press release said.

Jacqueline Marie “Jackie” Holt, 77, of Urbana, Mo. passed away Thursday, December 19, 2024.
The Roaring River Nature Center on Jan. 11 and Feb.

With the guidance of Shane Paul, Santa Claus emerged victorious in the battle with his barbarian son during a skit as part of the Winter Concert on Dec. 7. Santa celebrated his victory with the middle school band members.