Meet the marvelous Montgomery! He is a good-looking boy who was lucky enough to land in the yard of a very nice couple to care for him after he was dumped to try to survive on his own. Montgomery is looking for a new forever family to love on him, provide him with a yard to run in and a comfy bed to sleep in. He loves to play and is high energy. He is good with cats, good with dogs, good with children and is house and crate trained. He has even attended dog training classes. He would love to have a dog friend in his new home to play with and keep him entertained. He is tan colored with white around his neck. His estimated date of birth is Oct. 12, 2023. His breed is unknown, but he is possibly a pit mix. Montgomery can climb a chain link fence, so a tall privacy fence would be best for him. Come get this perfect dog. Adopters can complete an application at www.havenoftheozarks.org/adopt.

Russell Dale “Russ” Johnson, 44, of Monett, Mo., passed away Wednesday, November 27, 2024. He was born April 24, 1980 in Springfield, Mo., the son of Penelope Brown and Ricky Strong.
Multiple donation accounts have been set up to support Remington Hobbie, the young son of Aspen Lewis, who died in a domestic violence incident last week. Hobbie is under the care of Lewis’ sister, Brittley Terry, and a family friend has launched a GoFundMe at www.

We asked a dozen Cassville kindergarten students how a turkey should be made. Here are their recipes:
23-year-old allegedly admitted to killing Exeter woman
By Kyle Troutman
An Exeter man is charged with three felonies, including murder, for the death of a 24-year-old Exeter woman.
Aaron Malone, 23, of Exeter, is charged with second-degree murder, abandonment of a corpse and tampering with physical evidence.
Danny Boyd, Barry County sheriff, said on Monday, deputies were dispatched to a residence located in Exeter in reference to a possible abduction. Upon arrival, Deputies made contact with Malone, who reported Aspen Lewis, 24, was missing.
"Malone provided deputies with a verbal and written statement of Lewis being possibly abducted," Boyd said in a press release. "A criminal investigation began into the disappearance of Aspen Lewis. Inconsistencies were located in Aaron's statement."
According to a probable cause statement file by Det. Abby Parsons, physical evidence allegedly pointing to Malone included a blood stain on the roadway behind Malone's truck, blood stains on his truck and disturbed parts of the gravel driveway where jewelry pieces were located on the ground.
Surveillance video also allegedly showed Malone's truck arriving at the residence at 11:35 p.m. Sunday. Shortly after, Parsons' report said, screaming can be heard, and Malone left the residence at about 1:35 a.m. Monday, returning at about 4:10 a.m.
Malone made a 9-1-1 call before returning to the residence, Parsons reported.
On Tuesday, Boyd and Maj. Angela Cole met with Malone and advised him they wanted to locate the victim, Boyd's release said. Malone allegedly took authorities to where Lewis was located, deceased in a wooded area near Shell Knob, covered with leaves and sticks.
Parsons' report said Lewis had suffered extensive head trauma, and the remains of a burnt pink wool article of clothing, appearing to be a shirt, was also located in the roadway.
"Malone admitted to an altercation taking place and disposing of the body," Boyd said.
In Parsons' report, the box where the officer would indicate if a person exhibited signs of being under the influence remained unchecked. Missouri State Highway Patrol is assisting the Barry County Sheriff’s Office with the investigation.
Cassville resident held on $35K in bonds after incidents 11 days apart BY KYLE TROUTMAN ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com A Cassville woman charged with possession of methamphetamine on Nov. 7 was arrested 11 days later for an alleged burglary in the city.

Isabelle Gabriel and Zarah Hunter color on a palette at the Cassville FFA’s Food for America event on Friday, where high school students made presentations on animals, fishing, farming and more.

A new club in the Cassville area may one day help a local youth put a turkey on the Thanksgiving table. Lindsay Doucet, coach for the Barry County Bows, which is organized through the Barry County 4-H Club, said the srchery club began in May 2023 with a goal of expanding opportunities for local youth.

Some weeks, I sit down to write this piece and come up with little inspiration. It’s in these moments I’m thankful for my wife, Jordan.

The Southwest girls basketball team has doubled its roster from last year, embarking on a season without no seniors and under new management. Shawn Johnson, former assistant coach in his first year as head coach, said he brings 23 years as a coach, including 13 in JV or junior high basketball and 10 in varsity softball, and he’s excited to see what the Lady Trojans can do this season.