Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

DMV getting new license system

The Missouri Department of Revenue’s Motor Vehicle and Driver License (MVDL) division is preparing to deploy its modernized driver license and processing system at all license offices, with a launch date of Tues., Nov. 12.

Kyle Troutman: Feeling frisson

On March 1, 2010, at 3:22 p.m., I used my iPhone to record a song that to this day brings an intense frisson. Following a volunteer’s playing of “Amazing Grace” on bagpipes — in a light drizzle and with a backdrop of at least a dozen U.S.

Haven of the Ozarks Pet of the Week, Nov. 6

Meet Boo Boo! She’s crate trained, housetrained and loves people of all ages. She’s good with other dogs and has already been a fun playmate for several other Haven dogs. She’s been good with cats in the shelter environment. Boo Boo would likely fit in well almost anywhere, although an active home would be her favorite. Her age is a little over a year and her weight is 47 pounds.

Planned outage to affect 1,000 Liberty customers

Purdy, Butterfield areas going dark overnight Saturday Liberty Utilities customers in the Purdy and Butterfield areas will be without power overnight on Saturday. According to Meagan Spangler, Specialist III, Regional Communications with Liberty, a planned outage has been scheduled, set to begin at 10 p.m.

Michelle Hilburn: What makes a library meaningful?

In Starfish by Lisa Fipps, one of my favorite young adult novels, Ellie, the main character, captures how meaningful a librarian’s presence can be: “[The librarian is] the first person to smile at me today./ The first to make me feel wanted./ Understood./I blink back tears./ It’s unknown how many students’ lives/librarians have saved/by welcoming loners at lunch.”