Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

New rules, more sludge according to EPA environmental assessment

EPA environmental assessment: changes may triple amount of waste New effluent guidelines proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for wastewater discharge from meat and poultry-processing (MPP) facilities could result in as much as 1.2 million more tons of residual sludge, per year, according to an EPA Environmental Assessment (EA). The proposed new guidelines (released in December) are designed to offer additional protections to surface water and, thereby, public drinking water systems that source water from surface features.

Sales tax income rises in March

Sales tax revenues to Barry County cities and the county government generally rose in March, though more than half the cities did not share the additional prosperity. The seven Barry County cities collecting sales tax recorded a 2 percent gain over last March, thanks to both Monett and Cassville logging gains.

Purdy FCCLA hosts eye-opening mock crash for high school students

On April 5, Purdy Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter orchestrated a powerful demonstration aimed at educating high school students about the consequences of reckless driving. The mock crash event, organized in collaboration with various local agencies, offered a sobering glimpse into the potential aftermath of a serious car accident.