Philippians 3:12-14 “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which l Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Miles Hendrix flies off the diving board into the deep end during swim day at the Cassville Area YMCA Day Camp on Monday, the first day in July.
Ozarks Region Deputy Director Carl Bonnell says he doesn’t put too much stock in visitor counts at individual Missouri state parks, perhaps because the revenue generated within parks represents the smaller fraction (25%) of the total revenue upon which the parks system budgets. The remaining 75% of operating and developmental expenses are covered by the constitutional, 1/10-cent Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax, first approved by Missouri voters in 1984, and reapproved multiple times since then.
I am currently the Captain with the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office which is an administrative role. I assist the sheriff with the budget and order vehicles for the department. I also attended the Sheriff’s Academy in Edmond, Oklahoma.
I have gained experience during the last three (3) years as Sheriff. For the first two (2) years of my term, I had two (2) budgets, a Sheriff’s Office and a Jail budget.
KYLE TROUTMAN Last summer, while retrieving my daily mug of coffee, I watched the mural on the side of Sunshine Coffeehouse go from sketch to completion, thinking in my head every morning — how can we get on the mural project list? That prospect was not even on my mind this spring when Morgan Williams, Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce director, asked us if we would like to donate the west side of our building for a mural. As I have told anyone who’s asked me about it, we could not say yes fast enough.
It does not matter if the budget is $400 or 4 million. You figure what is needed and where it is needed and that is where the money gets spent. I do not plan on wasting the county’s money. I intend to be surrounded by knowledgeable staff who already have a lot of money management experience. Most work at Barry County Sheriff’s Office already. Being fiscally responsible is something I take very seriously.
A Barry County native who returned to the area recently is taking over the Cassville softball program this fall, succeeding Coach Lori Videmschek and inheriting a Lady Wildcats team fresh off its first ever district championship. Jordan Savage, a 2012 Southwest graduate, attended and played baseball at Mineral Area Community College and Lindenwood-Belleville (Ill.), then student-taught at Purdy under Eagles Baseball Coach Joshua Hughes.
As I enter my 19th year in education, I have experienced a number of shifts in the profession which include new strategies, new requirements, and new evidence to study. The most recent literacy education approach adapts learning strategies to align to the science of reading.
Throughout the summer, the Cassville Democrat will feature the best unprinted photos from each team photographed during the 2023-2024 athletics seasons. — KT .