Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

Sheila Harris: Your water is my water

Missouri residents – Southwest Missouri residents, in particular — the quality of our drinking and recreational water is under attack. At a public hearing in Jefferson City Tuesday morning, witnesses for and against Senate Bill 981 were in attendance to present their testimony regarding the bill, which proposes to exclude the phrase “all subsurface waters” from Missouri’s current definition of “Waters of The State.” The change would affect the Missouri Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) ability to protect our groundwater.

Caleb Ryman: The overflow of forgiveness

In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus shares a parable about the unmerciful servant, illustrating the profound truth of forgiveness. The story begins with a servant who owes an astronomical debt to his master, a debt he could never repay.

Barry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken

The Barry County Sheriff's Office responded to 205 calls for service for the week of Feb. 19-25 The CAD events created by central dispatch are the Calls for Service Barry County Officers respond to every day, included in those calls are alarms, assaults, burglaries, domestic disturbances, DWI's, stealing, harassment, medical issues, paper service, prisoner transports, suspicious persons, traffic stops and warrant service. Reports are not generated on all the calls for service. The following reports were generated from the above 205 calls: