This adorable pup is Bowman. He is a black and brown colored shepherd mix pup. His Date of birth is Dec.

No matter how much someone warns you, nothing truly prepares you for becoming a chamber director.

If you’ve ever been out in the dark, maybe taking out the trash or heading to the barn, and locked eyes with a possum, you know the feeling.
Cassville’s next Champions of Trivia will be crowned on March 7 at the Cassville Education Fund Trivia Night fundraiser.

The Arrive Alive Tour stopped in Cassville for two days last week, offering high school students the opportunity to use a simulator to drive while distracted, drunk or drugged in a fully functioning vehicle without moving or being intoxicated. The simulator allows participants to experience the real-life dangers without the real-life consequences. Pictured is Heather Hall, who was completing the distracted driving simulator. Young drivers (ages 16-20) are 17 times more likely to die in a crash when they have a BAC of .08% than when they have not been drinking.
According to the Department of Natural Resources, land-application of waste processing residuals – also known as “sludge” — may be occurring, but that does not necessarily mean it’s unauthorized.
A Washburn man facing felony charges in two cases is now charged in a third after another victim has come forward.

Nearly 40 people were present at the Shell Knob Library on Feb. 6, for the unveiling of proposed plans for a new building.
An Exeter man is facing two felony charges in Polk County after allegedly attempting to meet with a fictitious underage person to engage in sexual acts.

The Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed Elevation Athletic Performance, located at 294 Hwy. 76 in Cassville, with a ribbon cutting. EAP specializes in helping individuals achieve their health and fitness goals, whether they are beginners just starting their journey or experienced athletes looking to enhance their performance. Their expert team is dedicated to providing personalized training, guidance, and support to help clients succeed.