Townsfolk celebrate Gaston, front, played by Carson Burt, in the Cassville Arts Council production of “Beauty and the Beast.”
Mike McGuire, Cassville police officer and Republican candidate for Barry County sheriff in the Aug. 6 Primary, has suspended his campaign.
First responders from Cassville are uniting with Community Blood Center of the Ozarks (CBCO), the sole supplier of blood, plasma, and platelets to patients at more than 40 area healthcare facilities, for an inaugural Cassville Boots, Badges and Bandages Community Challenge Blood Drive.
Program aims to improve student outcomes in schools A collaborative effort between five Barry County school districts is attempting to improve student outcomes, and the project is asking for the community’s help. Traci Mitchell, Cassville assistant superintendent, said the Portrait of a Graduate (POG) work, which ties to district improvement plans and has been shown to improve student outcomes, reflects the county’s agreed upon competencies necessary for students to be effective and successful mem- bers of the community.

Northbound drivers on Main Street in Cassville have a new scene to sight as they travel into downtown Cassville. The Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce the completion of a vibrant new mural that now adorns the south side of the Cassville Democrat building.
Halfway through 2024, sales tax reports for Barry County show the local economy is generally holding even with one year ago. While three smaller cities showed double-digit drops from the immediate post-pandemic sales totals, overall sales tax income rose from last June.

Cassville Democrat Publisher Kyle Troutman, speaking, traveled to Toronto Metropolitan University on Saturday to accept a Golden Dozen award from the International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors, an organization headquartered in Joplin and to which Troutman belongs.
Missouri State Parks personnel gathered at the Emory Melton Inn on June 6 to update the public on an extensive list of projects completed, plus those still in progress, at Roaring River State Park. Assistant Park Manager Forrest Brumm said completed projects include the renovation of the Honeymoon Cabin, the removal of the swimming pool, the installation of new playground equipment near the CCC shelter, the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers and repairs to roofs of existing structures throughout the park.

As the Sheriff, I am responsible for both administrations. There is really no way to set a certain amount of time for each one. I have a jail administrator and an office administrator who keep me informed daily (24/7) of any situations that require my attention. There is not a happy medium, you have to problem solve and handle situations as they come along in both administrations. If you ask any sheriff in Missouri, they will all say that the Jail is the biggest liability they have and requires more monitoring of the daily operations than the administration side.

Operation of the jail is a vital responsibility for any Sheriff. I plan on splitting my time equally between enforcement and detention. It is my goal to make sure the jail operates in a manner that keeps the public, staff and inmates safe and secure during daily operations.