Kyle Troutman

Kyle Troutman

Merlyn Johnson: Unsung heroes at Cassville schools

During the summer months, we celebrate the accomplishments of another successful year while simultaneously beginning to prepare for the next school year. Before we completely close-out this school year, I want to take a moment to express my appreciation for the hardworking and dedicated members of our transportation, maintenance, custodial, and food service departments for supporting all of our district accomplishments over the past 12 months.

Carole Ann Holmes

Carole Ann Holmes, 75, of Golden, Mo., passed away Wednesday, June 12, 2024. She was born November 19, 1948, in San Antonio, Texas the daughter of John Elwood and Etta Maurice (Williams) Mayer, who preceded her in death.

Through the Years, June 26

July 3, 1974 — BARBER SHOP MOVES Stumpff Barber Shop has moved from its former West Seventh Street to a new location in the 600 block of Main Street into newly remodeled spaces, Rex Stumpff, owner, recently purchased the space from Fred Meador. —STATE POSTS FOR RAINBOW ORDER GIRLS Angie Farwell was appointed 1974-75 Grand Representative of the State of California to the State of Missouri, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, at the Missouri Grand Assembly last week in Kansas City.

News Briefs, June 26

The Purdy Community Picnic and Fireworks Show will be held July 3 at The Gathering Place in Purdy, located at 100 Old Bus. 37 and Hwy.

Rich Cummings: I’d rather have Jesus

There is a game that many of you have played called “Would You Rather?” In this game someone asks the question “Would You Rather?” followed by two options that are almost identically horrible or distasteful. Would You Rather lick a public picnic table or try and pick up a skunk? As you can see, neither is all that satisfying or even desirable.

Opera in the Ozarks hits high notes in Cassville

Thinking he was the forest ranger, Granny, right, played by Sydney Siler, goes to kiss Mr. BigBad, a wolf in disguise, played by Boone Elledge, during the Opera in the Ozarks production of “Little Red’s Most Unusual Day” at the Cassville FEMA Event Center on Thursday.

Kyle Troutman: Becoming a dad all over again

My sixth Father’s Day snuck up on me this year. With the recent storm damage to our office and upcoming trip to the annual International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors conference, it wasn’t until Friday or Saturday that I realized Sunday would be my day.