The 2nd Annual First Christian Church of Cassville Women’s Group Ladies’ Luncheon will be held at the church, located at 905 Old Exeter Road, on April 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Guest speakers include Sue Caveness, with Dress-A-Girl SWMO; Sheryl McAfee, with Paula’s Hope; Jennifer Amayo, a firefighter and public speaker; and Suzy Buchite, a local public speaker.
Five people were injured on Wednesday in a wreck at 4:03 p.m. on Route W, two miles west of Butterfield.
The City of Cassville is renewing a service to more accurately bill sanitary sewer usage for residents with substantial outdoor water usage. Residents may check out a separate water meter to attach to a hose bib or yard hydrant to record water use that does not enter the sanitary sewer system.
Barry County has been awarded federal funds made available through the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the Emergency Food And Shelter National Board program.
The Missouri Department of Revenue is announcing the upcoming Request for Proposal (RFP) of the license office in Cassville, located at 700 Main St, Suite 1 in Cassville. Bids will start being accepted April 10, and must be submitted by April 23.
The Barry County Sheriff's Office responded to 287 calls for service for the week of March 25-31. The CAD events created by central dispatch are the Calls for Service Barry County Officers respond to every day, included in those calls are alarms, assaults, burglaries, domestic disturbances, DWI's, stealing, harassment, medical issues, paper service, prisoner transports, suspicious persons, traffic stops and warrant service. Reports are not generated on all the calls for service. The following reports were generated from the above 287 calls:
Gypsy Nelson, 10-1/2 months, of Exeter, enjoyed her first Easter on Sunday.
Pinpointing a problem is easy, but finding a solution — not as much. After the Cassville school district held a screening of the documentary “Childhood 2.0” recently, attendees were asked to complete a survey to help organizer understand what people liked and disliked about the unique event.
By the end of the season, the Southwest girls basketball team did not have a senior on the floor. The Lady Trojans (2-24), whose only senior suffered an injury, had one junior, one sophomore and four freshmen handling the minutes, and Coach Destiny Jalbert said they were undaunted by the task.
Notable Results From The April 2 Municipal Election.