
Chamber welcomes Elevation Athletic Performance

The Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce recently welcomed Elevation Athletic Performance, located at 294 Hwy. 76 in Cassville, with a ribbon cutting. EAP specializes in helping individuals achieve their health and fitness goals, whether they are beginners just starting their journey or experienced athletes looking to enhance their performance. Their expert team is dedicated to providing personalized training, guidance, and support to help clients succeed.
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Able 2 Products Company recognizes employee service

Five employees of Able 2 Products Company in Cassville were recognized for milestone employment anniversaries at a company-wide meeting on Dec. 17, 2024. In business since 1972, Able 2 Products Company sells lights and accessories to police, emergency and utility markets under the SHO-ME trademark. Company vice-president Caleb Buntin awarded gifts and certificates of appreciation to the honorees. Front row, from left: Sandra Hayworth, 25 years; and Jeremiah Buntin, 15 years. Back row: Greg Scott, 35 years; Darrin Spain, 5 years; Brandi Beck, 5 years.
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Waltrip named ‘Young Title Person of the Year’

Barry County Abstract and Title attended the Missouri Land Title Association annual convention at The Chase Park Plaza in St. Louis Sept. 12 -14. At the event, employee Miranda Waltrip was one of two recipients of the “MLTA Young Title Person of the Year” award. This prestigious award given by MLTA means she will serve on the Committee for the next couple years in the recruitment of young people to make a career in the title industry, and to aid in education of the general public as to the title industry. She will also be involved in the process of selection of the award winner in the future. “We at Barry County Abstract and Title are very proud of her earning this award by the state association,” a press release said. Others in attendance at the convention were: Cheryl Williams, Kasey Hall and Carla Hall.
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E3 Meat Co. supplies The Rib

The Rib Steak House in Cassville is continuing its partnership with E3 Meat Co., which supplies beef to the iconic restaurant while doing some good at the same time. Zanetta Campbell, owner of The Rib, said the product, which the restaurant has used since reopening in November 2022, is all-natural and well-liked among area cattlemen with high standards.
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Company earns 3rd accreditation

Lakeside Home Watch & Property Solutions in Shell Knob has earned accreditation from the National Home Watch Association for the third year. The NHWA was formed in 2009 to establish and maintain the highest industry standards for Home Watch and absentee homeowner services throughout the United States and Canada.
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