
Local authors to host book signings

Two local authors, MeLinda Wheeler, right, and Rachel Moore, will host a book signing on Friday to celebrate the publishing of their new books. Wheeler’s book, her first as an author, is a 31-day devotional called “Lessons From the Master Himself” and Moore’s book, called “Angels Watching Over Us,” is her fourth.
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Through the Years, March 5

50 YEARS AGO: LARGEST TRANSFORMERS IN SERVICE — Barry Electric Cooperative crews will soon be installing the largest transformers of their service at the new FASCO Industries plant in Cassville. The second of a service and spare unit arrived this week. Weighing eight tons, the 2,000KVA are about twice the size ever ordered for use in the co-op service area. In the picture, at right, Elger Cagle and Tom Turner are shown supervising the removal from a delivery truck. Showing the size, in the picture above, Turner stands inside a section of the unit, manager looks at a control panel. The units each contain 700 gallons of mineral oil as part of their coolant.
Read MoreThrough the Years, March 5

Through the Years, Feb. 26

40 YEARS AGO: THE YOUNGEST WON — Chris Sparks, left, beat dad Allen and brother Chuck, in fishing at the Roaring River opening. The younger of the father-son combination had his five Rainbows as the threesome was leaving the stream, the other two had strung only four.
Read MoreThrough the Years, Feb. 26

27 compete in Elementary Beta State Convention

Twenty-seven students from Cassville Intermediate competed in the Missouri Elementary Beta State Convention in Branson on Jan. 14-16. The following students placed at the state convention and have earned the opportunity to compete at the National Beta Club Convention this summer in Orlando, Florida. Robotics: Champions, Stella Rose, Mesa Cook, Audriana Cieslinski, Nellie Reed and Lillian Artherton; Marketing and Communication: 2nd place, Braxton Decker, Jace Kennedy, Miles Arnold, Silas Buntin and Jensen Ritchie; Solo Vocal performance; Golden ticket to Nationals and 3rd place, Jaelyn Cavness; On-site Cake Decorating: 2nd place, Bristol Davis; Visual Arts, Scrapbook: champion Charley Nichols, and Jewelry: 3rd place, Addileah Aldridge; Academics, Spelling: 5th place, Lillian Artherton, Social Studies: 5th place, Elona Stillwell, and Communication Arts: 4th place, Bristol Davis.
Read More27 compete in Elementary Beta State Convention

Through the Years, Feb. 19

40 YEARS AGO: TUESDAY MORNING ICING — Traffic moved slowly on area highways Tuesday morning with a light covering of ice on roads during the early morning. Rising temperatures in the late morning erased any freezing falling weather and eliminated freezing above ground as rain continued to fall.
Read MoreThrough the Years, Feb. 19