
Through the Years, July 10

30 YEARS AGO: FIREWORKS SHOW FINALE — So bright was the Shell Knob fireworks finale, film didn’t separate the display, but obviously provided a lighting of the Central Crossing Bridge over Table Rock at right. Special firings of the Shell Knob C of C program boats ands spectators along the way who yelled, honked horns and flashed lights as their method of approving the show.
Read MoreThrough the Years, July 10

Through the Years, July 3

40 YEARS AGO: THEY’RE OFF AND RUNNING---There were obviously some crash landings in this group of older persons participating in a sack race at the Cassville July 4 observance. Divisions of all ages competed for silverdollar prizes offered by the American Legion. Crowds made their pick of contestants and cheered the choice in each event. Lige Frost was master of ceremonies for the event.
Read MoreThrough the Years, July 3

Haven of the Ozarks Pet of the Week

Topanga is a fantastic young lady with a lot of manners and eyes that say she adores everyone. She is a lab mix. She is good with other dogs and super friendly to everyone. She was abandoned with her friend, Cory, in Verona. She would love to find a forever home soon. Her date of birth is June 18, 2020. Adopters can complete an adoption application at www.havenoftheozarks. org/adopt.
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Haven of the Ozarks Pet of the Week

Lacey is an adorable and fun mixed-breed pup. She likes to play and get the attention of humans. She is good with other dogs and kids. Her date of birth is Jan. 19. She is white with brown and black on her face. Lacey will be fixed, up to date on vaccinations, microchipped and ready to go home with her new family on July 3. Half-price adoptions continue through the month of June.
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Home school co-op celebrates first semester

The SHINE Ozarks Co-op held its open house and end of semester celebration on May 21st. The group, comprised of mainly Barry County residents, has 25 families enrolled and held its first semester in the spring. Five local homeschool mothers started the co-op to give families the opportunity for community while homeschooling. The group thanks First Baptist Church in Cassville and Washburn First Baptist Church for facility use. Interested families can find the co-op on Facebook at SHINE Ozarks Co-op Information or email
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Through the Years, June 26

July 3, 1974 — BARBER SHOP MOVES Stumpff Barber Shop has moved from its former West Seventh Street to a new location in the 600 block of Main Street into newly remodeled spaces, Rex Stumpff, owner, recently purchased the space from Fred Meador. —STATE POSTS FOR RAINBOW ORDER GIRLS Angie Farwell was appointed 1974-75 Grand Representative of the State of California to the State of Missouri, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, at the Missouri Grand Assembly last week in Kansas City.
Read MoreThrough the Years, June 26

Through the Years, June 12

40 YEARS AGO: CATFISHING GETTING GOOD — Proof that trotline catches of catfish are possible came to Cassville this week in the person of Burl Mitchell and Emmett Allen. Joined by Ron Bailey, the anglers took these 36- and 30-pound beauties off a line Monday morning.
Read MoreThrough the Years, June 12

Family history specialist serves across the country while remaining home

James Ray Schad, of Purdy, was recently set apart as an elder and senior service missionary for the Arkansas Bentonville Mission, VROC Grand Canyon Virtual Operations Center, where he will be helping people across the country with their family trees by indexing old historical records. Schad is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and a 2015 graduate of Purdy High School.
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