
Cassville FBLA molds next generation of entrepreneurs

FBLA recently held 8th Grade Entrepreneurship Day for Cassville Middle school eighth-graders. Students were encouraged to come up with an entrepreneurial idea, similar to Shark Tank. High School FBLA members led tables of eighth-graders who competed in both Poster and Commercial categories for their products. The winners received certificates and candy. Guest speaker Dr. Chad Johnson, local chiropractor, came to share his own experiences with starting a small business and being your own boss.
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Cassville speech and debate wins awards

Competing at Kickapoo and Seneca in November, the Cassville speech and debate team was awarded third in team sweeps. Full results included: Radio Speaking 2nd, Kalia Miller 4th, Raymond Haggard 5th, Jillian Lecompte Dramatic Interpretation 2nd Kyle Bailey 5th, Glandy Salas Humorous Interpretation 3rd, Jillian Lecompte 4th, Raymond Haggard 6th, Kimberly Hang Program of Oral Interpretation 3rd, Tierany Sloan Duo Interpretation Acting 4th, Kyle Bailey and Raymond Haggard Informative Speaking 3rd, Tierany Sloan 4th, Glandy Salas Original Oratory 3rd, Glandy Salas Policy Debate 4th, Audrey Gautney and Kalia Miller .
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