
Pet of the week

Pharaoh has been in the shelter for 1,947 days and desperately needs a hero! Pharaoh can get along with just about any female dog but is selective with male dogs.
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Through the Years, July 12

30 YEARS AGO: This finale of the Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce fireworks display over Table Rock Lake Sunday evening lit the whole area. The Central Crossing Bridge is at the lower portion of the photo. Lights on the water are either from boat docks or boats that were in the area carrying spectators. The fantastic display, well executed, drew horn blowing approval from the vessels and shouts of applause from watchers on shore. While boat numbers were thought to be down this year, observers said spectator numbers completely choked traffic in the area for about 45 minutes after the display. Highway Patrol and Barry County sheriff’s department officers were at intersections for control purposes.
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Through the Years, June 21

40 YEARS AGO: The Cassville Chamber of Commerce board got an idea of how big the proposed nativity scene characters will be and the color scheme to be used during their meeting Tuesday. Five C of C workers on the project are pictured here with an actual design of a wise man as one of 12 characters planned. On the left side are C of C president Jack Nickols, project chairman Cecilia Miller and Truman Baker. On the right are Jane Smith, the design committee and John Miller. Mrs. Miller said the actual- size character would be mounted on cardboard for display around the community. Construction, placing and lighting of the scene is scheduled in December in conjunction with the Cassville Christmas parade. Democrat file photo
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Through the years, June 14

40 YEARS AGO: Each year about this time, the Cassville Democrat features a Barry County dairy farm family on the front page in a salute to June Dairy Month. This year’s representatives of an important part of the area’s economy are Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dilbeck and family of the Wheaton community. Included in the family portrait is the dairy barn during the milking process are Rusty, 8, Brad, 11, Lori, 16 and Lynn and Donna Dilbeck. Their 60-cow herd is supported by a 220 acre farming operation. The native Barry County family has been in the dairy business 17 years.
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