
Through the years, May 10

Cassville’s two ball parks now have the most modern lighting available. Summer activities will be conducted on he two parks, giving much more play area available to programs. Installation of new lights on the second field was com-Meted this week in a joint effort of Barry Electric Cooperative and equipment from KAMO Electric at Vinita, Okla. With quick dispatch the project of installing eight poles, ranging in length from 60 to 70 feet, was completed during part of a morning’s effort. KAMO crews assisted since local equipment will not handle the lengthy poles. Costing an estimated $16,000, the new lighting was provided by the recreation appropriations of city sales tax collections. Democrat file photo
Read MoreThrough the years, May 10

Through the years, May 3

This was the scene at the old Blalack Motor Co., building at Fifth and Main in Cassville about 2 p.m. Monday, by nightfall the building was completely down. The structure, dating back to the late 1920° was being demolished to make way for a new Hardee’s fast-food franchise here. The franchise will occupy the entire block between Fifth and Sixth Streets, with a former service station building eliminated from the site earlier. Owners of the franchise say the business will be in operation within 45 days of construction start.
Read MoreThrough the years, May 3

Cassville FBLA molds next generation of entrepreneurs

FBLA recently held 8th Grade Entrepreneurship Day for Cassville Middle school eighth-graders. Students were encouraged to come up with an entrepreneurial idea, similar to Shark Tank. High School FBLA members led tables of eighth-graders who competed in both Poster and Commercial categories for their products. The winners received certificates and candy. Guest speaker Dr. Chad Johnson, local chiropractor, came to share his own experiences with starting a small business and being your own boss.
Read MoreCassville FBLA molds next generation of entrepreneurs

Through the years, April 26

IT’S REALLY EASY FELLOWS: One lady turkey hunter just can’t understand all the difficulty some of her male counterparts are having bagging a wild turkey during the current season. Mrs.Coleen Yokum of Cassville got her turkey Friday morning and made it back in town in time for a beauty shop appointment. Mrs. Yokum, wife of Forest Ranger Olen Yokum, is pictured above with the trophy bird which weighed 21 pounds and had a 10 inch beard. No, she didn’t take the bird to the House of James with her, Yokum furnished transportation for the bird for the picture.
Read MoreThrough the years, April 26

Through the Years, April 19

Installation of fixtures to poles at the Cassville Park for new lights on one of the fields was being completed this week by crews of Barry Electric Cooperative. Bill Shiveley, Mike Gibson and Robert Moore were attaching fixtures in this photo. Going on high poles, four 60 feet long and four 70 feet tall, a total of 24 fixtures, each of 1500 watts, are the same type used in professional stadiums. Weather permitting, the eight poles on the oldest of the two fields, will be put into place this Thursday. The project, city funded from sales tax revenues, is the second such program provided entirely by local revenue through the city council.
Read MoreThrough the Years, April 19