
Through the Years, Nov. 23

Jack Byrd and Doyle Thomas were renamed to the Cassville Industrial Development Board of Directors in an annual meeting attended by 13 of the 130 shareholders. The meeting lasted 20 minutes and included a financial report by Lloyd Perry, president.
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Pet of the Week

Meet Banana and lots of other kittens, the Haven of the Ozarks Pets of the Week. The Haven currently has a great selection of 8-9-week-old kittens in nearly every color. They are well-socialized, litterbox trained, good with dogs and other cats and like people of all ages. Haven cats are spayed/ neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, flea free, microchipped and tested for FIV/feline leukemia. For maximum fun, adopt a pair of kittens! They keep each other company and are very entertaining to watch as they play. Each adoption means another life can be saved, so visit Haven, open 9-4 every day, or call 417-835-3647 for more information.
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Pantry receives $1,000

Four Seasons Real Estate recently donated $1,000 to the Cassville Pantry during their Fill the Basket campaign. Accepting the check, at left, is Janet Mills, Pantry director. Four Seasons presenting the check are Kay McCullah, Larry Daniels and Patti Daniels, broker. Contributed photo
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July food service report released

The Health Department divides food service code violations into two categories; Priority and Core items. Priority items are more likely than other violations to contribute to food contamination, or illness and/or injury. Core items although important to the overall hygiene of the establishment, do not necessarily present an immediate threat to food contamination or illness and/or injury. A report for each establishment that is inspected shows the number of priority items, along with a short statement as to the nature of the violations. The report also shows the number of core items, but doesn’t list the nature of those violations. *Corrected on spot
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Purdy FBLA Students Excel at National Leadership Conference

The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) held their annual National Leadership Conference in Chicago June 29 through July 2. Two Purdy students earned a spot to compete at the National level after third place wins at the State FBLA Conference in April. Senior M’kena Propps and Freshman Nathan Harris traveled to Chicago with Adviser Emily Kooi to compete at the highest level. Propps returned with a 6th place finish in Client Service. Propps competed in a preliminary pool of 78 students from across the nation before moving on to the final round where she earned 6th place. Purdy FBLA is guided by Advisers Kay Wright and Kooi. Contributed photo
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Through the years, July 20

50 years ago July 26, 1972 The Cassville R-4 School District board of directions met Monday night and adopted their 1972-73 budget, which called for expenditures of $1,007.631. Johnnie Saunders was elected president of the Southwest Saddle Club at Washburn, organized last Friday.
Read MoreThrough the years, July 20