
Thang wins Purdy Spelling Bee

On Jan. 28, Purdy Elementary held its annual Spelling Bee. The winner was Solomon Thang, a fifth-grader from Abigail Buntin’s class. The runner-up was Kiya Lee’Jace Atkins. The other participants were: Bildad Chan, Thayer Friely, Mark Jenkins, Win Htet, Kaden Rosewicz, Violet Adams, and Thierry Thigpen. The Spell Master was Susan Funkhouser.
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Through the Years, Feb. 5

40 YEARS AGO: VISITORS COME ASHORE FOR LUNCH — Grazing on a campground area near Eagle Rock Landing, these Canadian geese have been attracting considerable attention the last few weeks. Their trips from the water to the land area result in grazing over grass areas and paying little attention to spectators who drive through the area. They probably feel secure, as the fellow at upper left, was constantly eyeing their observers this particular day.
Read MoreThrough the Years, Feb. 5

Beta Club participates in convention

Cassville Middle School Beta Club members recently participated in the Junior Missouri Beta State Convention in Branson. Each club member had the opportunity to select which competitive event they would like to be a part of and the following students placed in their competitions: Aiden Harris, third place, math; Cara Leach, second place, poetry; Molly Cox, Kynzleigh Scott, Reagan Truman, Addy Ramaeker, Scotti Blankenship, Cara Leach and Chazylyn Artherton, fifth place, songfest.
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Through the Years, Jan. 29

30 YEARS AGO: METHODS OF REMOVING SNOW — The order of the day beginning Thursday morning was getting snow from some unwanted places. In the instances shown here, the places were parking lots, entrances to businesses and sidewalks at county offices. In the photo at left, Lonnie Yarnall uses one piece of snow removal equipment that was made available for some of the smaller parking lots that contracted for the service. In the middle, John Starchman makes the wet snow fly with a snow shovel, accomplishing the entrances of a couple of businesses. At the right, Johnny Gautney of the courthouse staff, puts a new snow blower, belonging to the county, to the task of clearing side-walks. For large locations and heavier tasks, there was equipment of about every description and horsepower up and down the roads, streets and parkways of the area. Many of the earlier removal chores were accomplished while it was still snowing. Sunshine and traffic both hitting major roads and streets later Thursday morning helped eliminate much of the cover. Rural roads were another problem after they drifted to depths of six feet in some locations. Democrat file photo
Read MoreThrough the Years, Jan. 29

Shelter Insurance seeking scholarship applicants

$1,500 scholarships going to Cassville, Wheaton students Cassville and Wheaton seniors have the opportunity to apply for the Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship through March 31, with one graduate from each school to receive $1,500. 'Recognizing academic achievement in its communities is one of the main goals of the Shelter Insurance Foundation,' a Shelter press release said.
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