
New pipes going in

Limited progress was made last week on the wastewater pipe project, but the contractor did resolve the last of their logistical issues and got some new pipe in the ground. During the week of April 24, the city of Cassville expects open trench construction on 11th Street to stay primarily between Fair and Harold streets.
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SKITS play runs this weekend

The Shell Knob In The Spotlight (SKITS) community theater group is performing another engaging comedic play, “Mission Possible,” a theatrical spoof on classic spies of film and television, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A large cast of colorful characters brings to life a funny, inventive group of personalities, including James Blond, Maxwell Sharp, Agent 98.6, Penny Shilling and Kitty Galore, just to name a few, and, of course, the diabolical Silverthumb, arch-villain and the leader of D.O.O.M.
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News briefs, April 26

A benefit softball game will be held at the Wheaton ballfields on June 24 at noon. Funds raised will benefit Garrett Roller, 12, of Wheaton, who broke both bones in his leg in a UTV accident in October.
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State Board of Education visits Cassville

Twenty-one state education officials visited the Cassville school district for about an hour on Thursday, hearing about the district’s challenges and successes and discussing how they could help. The Missouri State School Board and Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) staff, led by Board President Charlie Shields and DESE Commissioner Margie Vandeven, were en route to a board meeting at Roaring River State Park.
Read MoreState Board of Education visits Cassville