
Driver found dead after motor vehicle accident

The Cassville Police Department is investigating the death of an individual after the person was located in a vehicle following a motor vehicle accident. According to Sgt. Donnie Privett, with the Cassville Police Department, officers were dispatched to the area of West 10th Street and County Farm Road, across from Ken’s Collision Center, for a motor vehicle accident at around 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday.
Read MoreDriver found dead after motor vehicle accident

Forgey retires from Wheaton

Thursday morning, the Wheaton High School office was filled with gifts and cards for a man who has left more of an impact than he realizes. Dale Forgey, administrative assistant at the high school, is retiring after 12 years in the post, where his positive influence on students at the district will not be soon forgotten.
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28 years of Arbor Day in Exeter

Exeter celebrated Arbor Day for the 28th year in the Exeter City Park. In attendance this year was Susie Sorensen, Tree Board Member; Rhonda Scott, City Councilman; Ashley Lowe, Tree Board Vice President; and Jon Skinner, Municipal Forester with Missouri Department of Conservation. Skinner presented the board with the Tree City USA 27th year award.
Read More28 years of Arbor Day in Exeter

Taxes show marginal gains

Barry County’s cities and county government entities generating sales tax saw marginal gains overall in April, though a smaller number made up for the losses shown by most recipients. The seven Barry County cities collecting sales tax received $751,410.75, a 2 percent increase over a year ago.
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