
Open for play

Aaron Pyle climbed the new playground structure at Cassville Primary School on April 18, heading to the slide afterward. It was the first day students were allowed to have recess at the new playground after numerous construction delays.
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34 years on the job

When Cassville Police Chief Dana Kammerlohr was in college to become a veterinary technician, she made a connection within the program that would take her career in a different direction but provide 34 years of employment. Set to retire on June 1, Kammerlohr transitioned from vet tech to training search and rescue dogs, ultimately being hired as a Barry County deputy, where she served for 20 years, then as Cassville police chief for another 14.
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State board changes fertilizer permitting

After June 30, the Missouri Fertilizer Control Board (MoFCB) will no longer issue fertilizer permits for the land-application of wastewater residuals. The change comes after outcry from landowners in southwest Missouri led to a meeting of Missouri State representatives and senators at a meeting organized by Representative Dirk Deaton, R-Noel, in Pineville last month.
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