
23 to go overseas

The Cassville class of 2023 is embarking on a journey no class has organized before, a senior trip overseas for a 10-day adventure in Ireland, Wales, London, Paris and Versailles. Victoria Robertson, trip sponsor, said a total of 23 students, three parents and four advisors plan to travel to Europe, at a cost of about $4,000 each.
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Former flea market no longer standing

The former Ole Home Place Flea Market building at the corner of Main and Highway 76 met a sooner than-planned demise on Thursday. Joe Goade, owner of STS Outdoors Guns and Archery on the north side of the building, said crews had used chains to remove two supports from inside the building, then parked their equipment and went to lunch.
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ARPA money funds new health department

Building a new building for the Barry County Health Department had never been on Administrator Roger Brock’s mind before a couple of years ago, but opportunity knocked and the door opened. Funded entirely through the American Rescue Plan Act, the department has now broken ground on a $5 million facility on Old Exeter Road, next to where the new Barry County jail and sheriff’s office are also being constructed.
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A community rallies

A crowd of some 200 landowners from Newton, McDonald and Barry Counties were present at the Newton County Fairgrounds in Neosho Friday night to voice their concerns and questions about the land-application of wastewater residuals by Arkansasbased Denali Water Solutions (Denali). State and county legislators and representatives of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR), as well as members of the Denali Environmental team, were present to listen to the concerns of residents.
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