
New name, same help

Formerly known as the Barry County Habitat for Humanity Restore, The SW MO Restore and Builds is making its debut. Tabetha Cooper, the manager of SW MO Restore and Builds, said the local board had originally looked into disaffiliating from Habitat for Humanity about a year ago.
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Man charged with attempted murder

A McDonald County man is facing seven felony charges after allegedly shooting a pistol at two area residents. Matthew Shaner, 44, of McDonald County, is charged with two counts of first-degree assault (considered attempted murder), two counts of armed criminal action, two counts of unlawful use of a weapon and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm.
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SKITS showing ‘Murder in The House of Horrors’ Nov. 11-13 in Shell Knob

A comedic, murder mystery, a classic who dunnit of thoroughly entertaining proportions takes center stage in the upcoming SKITS community theater production of “Murder in The House of Horrors.” The audience is invited into the museums lecture on famous Egyptian Pharaoh Menkaura’s tomb, which is laden with priceless treasures, but shrouded in mystery as a most coveted jewel is stolen and an unlikely murder is committed. This audience interaction murder mystery will have everyone fully engaged trying to guess who did this outrageous deed and why? A total of 15 actors, with some added extras, and an assembly of stage-builders, artists, sound and lighting personnel, line-readers, marketing folks and well, of course, a dedicated and inspiring director are again making this another fun and entertaining production.
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Ghosts, goblins, candy, oh my!

Every year, children in local communities get excited to dress up and head out to gather their Halloween candy. Trick or Treating, or Truck or Treating, has looked a bit different in recent years, but this year, the superhero, princesses, and scary monsters are ready to head back out.
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