Exeter’s National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive with the theme “Get in the Game for Life; Give Blood.” The blood drive will take place on Oct. 19 from 11 a.m.
KISS Rebreathers set goal of 500foot spring dive The KISS Rebreathers dive team arrived at Roaring River Spring on Sept. 16 with the goal of diving to a 500-foot depth inside Roaring River spring the following morning before the Meet the Divers event scheduled for that afternoon.
Senior homecoming court candidates wave as they pass the crowds gathered Friday afternoon for the Homecoming Parade. Front row, from left; Jillian LeCompte, Kailey Artherton and Lauren Stockton. Back row: Isaac Hadlow, Riley Ruark and Andrew Hooten.
Voting at Cassville Democrat, The Monett Times websites Formerly the People’s Choice Awards, the Cassville Democrat’s and The Monett Times’ Best of the Best contests are now running, and voting has gone digital. CherryRoad has developed it own Best of the Best software to replace the People’s Choice this year.
Pioneer era of the 1800s to be recreated on local farm Frontier Days is a two-day event held on the Schreiners farm near Cassville, offering an old-fashion feel and teaches the local community how pioneers lived in the mid-1800s. This year is the 10th annual two-day event hosted by the Schreiner family,..
Cassville’s Homecoming royalty was crowned on Friday prior to the homecoming game. Pictured are, from left, junior Chaney Cox, junior and Prince Ruben Cortez, senior King Isaac Hadlow, senior Queen Jillian LeCompte and freshman princess Layla Bailey.
A “Meet The Divers” event was held on Saturday at Roaring River State Park’s Emory Melton Inn, recognizing the KISS Rebreathers dive team for setting a national record depth of 472 feet into Roaring River’s spring in November 2021.
Merlyn Johnson, Cassville superintendent, motions toward Board Member Jeremy Marple while discussing his practice for an upcoming punt, pass, kick competition during a rivalry football game. Both were attending the CSIP meetings, where certain individuals are invited to workshop- like sessions about improving the district.
The Cassville Democrat newspaper won 22 total awards, including nine firstplace honors, at the Missouri Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest Lunch on Saturday at the Lodge of the Four Season in Osage Beach. Two of the newspaper’s supplemental publications, Trout Times and Connection magazine, both won first place in their respective categories, and the Democrat’s website and sports pages also received top honors.