
RECOVERVILLE SERIES: Downburst delivered wind damage

The National Weather Service and Barry County Office of Emergency Management have determined a downburst over Cassville to be the cause of an estimated $5 million in infrastructure damage and the county to pursuing federal disaster declaration funds for individuals. According to a National Weather Service (NWS) survey, while no tornadic rotation was observed on radar, a wide swath of damaging wind gusts at least 70-80 miles per hour swept through Wheaton to the Cassville, Shell Knob and Eagle Rock areas.
Read MoreRECOVERVILLE SERIES: Downburst delivered wind damage

Motoring for the memories

Brice and Carmen Stelik ride in the 2nd Annual Cassville Memories Cruise while their dog, Tucker Dale, enjoyed the sights and smells. The Cruise Saturday night raised more than $5,000, which will fund scholarships in 2025 open to students at Cassville, Southwest, Exeter, Wheaton and Purdy who are enroll vocational or technical school.
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Patch of Sunshine now licensed

The Patch of Sunshine Childcare and Learning Center is enrolling children after becoming state-licensed recently. The center, located across from Fast Trip at 101 Main St in Cassville, has been in place for several months and officially opened its doors in March.
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Barry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken, June 3-9

The Barry County Sheriff's Office responded to 215 calls for service for the week of June 3-9. The CAD events created by central dispatch are the Calls for Service Barry County Officers respond to every day, included in those calls are alarms, assaults, burglaries, domestic disturbances, DWI's, stealing, harassment, medical issues, paper service, prisoner transports, suspicious persons, traffic stops and warrant service.
Read MoreBarry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken, June 3-9