
Free sludge appeals to some local landowners

A handful of Barry and Newton County landowners traveled to Jefferson City to testify in support of the land application of Denali Water Solutions’ industrial-processing sludge at a Missouri Senate hearing on March 26. Their testimony, along with that of Denali executive Rob Currey, was an attempt to convince senators to vote against proposed legislation that will more tightly regulate the storage and land-application of meat and other food-processing waste.
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14 inducted into Southwest NHS

National Honor Society membership is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors with a GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4-point scale. Eligible students must also complete an application and submit a brief essay or reflection. A faculty council reviews the applications to determine if the students fulfill the qualities of service, scholarship, leadership and character. Sometimes, an interview is necessary to earn acceptance.
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New map installed at Roaring River Spring mouth

Over the weekend, Linda and Gordon Hahn, of Charlottesville, Va., got a chance to survey the new map placed at the mouth of Roaring River Spring in late March. The Hahn’s son, Eric Lee Hahn, lost his life in the spring while serving as a diver with the KISS Rebreathers dive team. The team conducted monthly weekend explorations of the spring from May 2021 until Hahn’s death on Oct. 14, 2022. The new map at the spring was created as a result of the KISS Rebreathers team’s explorations.
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Barry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken

The Barry County Sheriff's Office responded to 287 calls for service for the week of March 25-31. The CAD events created by central dispatch are the Calls for Service Barry County Officers respond to every day, included in those calls are alarms, assaults, burglaries, domestic disturbances, DWI's, stealing, harassment, medical issues, paper service, prisoner transports, suspicious persons, traffic stops and warrant service. Reports are not generated on all the calls for service. The following reports were generated from the above 287 calls:
Read MoreBarry County Sheriff’s Office calls for service and reports taken

News briefs, April 10

The 2nd Annual First Christian Church of Cassville Women’s Group Ladies’ Luncheon will be held at the church, located at 905 Old Exeter Road, on April 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Guest speakers include Sue Caveness, with Dress-A-Girl SWMO; Sheryl McAfee, with Paula’s Hope; Jennifer Amayo, a firefighter and public speaker; and Suzy Buchite, a local public speaker.
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