
News Briefs, March 13

The Cassville Farmers Market Annual Pre-Market Meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on March 23 in Suite 7 at the Sho Me Plaza, located at 404 Hwy. 248. Attendance is not mandatory, and all are welcome.
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Y ears 50 years ago March 20, 1974 — STATE TOO IN QUANDARY ABOUT HIGHWAY WORK The 352 miles of state roads in Barry County face the same problems of maintenance and improvement as do county roads according to Bill Maroney, county maintenance supervisor for District Seven of the Missouri Highway Department. Costs of oil and materials will directly determine the amount of work that will be accomplished.
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City of

Publisher’s note: The following Q&As represent the candidates’ views verbatim, as submitted via email in response to our questions, and have not been edited. The election will be held April 2, with voters allowed to select one of the two candidates.
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Eldora (Stanley) Pratt

Age: 80 Current Occupation: Retired Past Experience: Union shop representative for Campbell Soup for 29 years Education: Southwest High School graduate, some college and first responder courses 1. Why do you want to be on the city council, and what qualifications support your candidacy? I have never been a candidate for anything.
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Brandon Tanis

Age: 41 Current Occupation: Engineering Detailer at Arning Companies/ Staff Sergeant in US Army Reserve Past Experience: 10 years CNC machining for the tool & die industry. 7 years retail sales (part time).
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