
Part of Farm Road 1120 closed during weekdays

Construction of sewer improvements requires the daily closure of Farm Road 1120, between Partridge Drive and Skyline Drive, which began on Friday. The closures are needed each weekday during working hours for the open trench replacement of sewer pipe and manholes. The road will likely be reopened to through traffic each night, with closures reinitiated each day after 8:15 a.m.
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40 signed up for Women in Nature

Roaring River State Park will have an inflow of women on Saturday, as 40 have signed up for the first Women in Nature course at the park, led by the Ozark Chinquapin Nature Center. Anna Skalicky, naturalist/ resource interpreter at the Nature Center, said signups are full, but women still interested may sign up to be on the wait list should anyone drop out.
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Part of Farm Road 1120 closed during weekdays

Construction of sewer improvements requires the daily closure of Farm Road 1120, between Partridge Drive and Skyline Drive, which began on Friday. The closures are needed each weekday during working hours for the open trench replacement of sewer pipe and manholes. The road will likely be reopened to through traffic each night, with closures reinitiated each day after 8:15 a.m. Contributed photo
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Lawsuit halts permitting

While Denali Water Solutions and Synagro Central are awaiting a date for judicial review of their suit against the Missouri Fertilizer Control Board for what they allege is the Board’s abrupt change in interpretation of the Missouri Fertilizer Law, a group of residents from Randolph County have filed suit against the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for what they allege is an overstepping of the department’s authority relating to Denali. According to their petition, Citizens of Randolph County Against Pollution (CRAP) allege that the DNR has exceeded its statutory authority by allowing Denali to construct what they say is a “solid waste processing facility” in their county without the permits required by law.
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