
Rain doesn’t melt fun at Oz-themed Cook-Off

Barry County Public Administrator Sam Madsen, left, spoons a ladle of chili into a cup held by County Clerk Joyce Ennis, to be delivered to a hungry Chili and Salsa Cook-Off patron at the Barry County Republicans’ tent during the event on the courthouse square on Saturday. Rainstorms at about 11 a.m. dampened the day, but cooking competitors held on to finish out the tasting and judging despite the weather.
Read MoreRain doesn’t melt fun at Oz-themed Cook-Off

SLUDGE group formed

Last week, five neighbors of Denali Water Solutions’ Evans storage basin near Fairview formed SLUDGE, an LLC dedicated to fighting Denali’s practices of storing and land-applying its waste beneath their noses. The group will host its first public meeting on Nov.
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News briefs, Nov. 1

Citizens for Justice — Barry County will host its second community meeting on Friday at 6 p.m. at the pavilion at the Stumpff Family Event Center (old American Legion grounds).
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Hands-on learning at Food For America

From left: Isaac Cornett, Stormy Tanner and Will Finch hammer away in a nail driving competition set up by a local construction company the Food For America event at Cassville schools on Friday, where Cassville FFA invited multiple presenters and farmers to educate students on everything from where food comes from to agriculture-related career opportunities.
Read MoreHands-on learning at Food For America

Denali cleans up spill

With cases pending judgment in more than one Missouri courtroom, a principal player, Denali Water Solutions, continues to relieve itself of its processing waste in southwest Missouri, an area that has become an apparent legal limbo- land for the effluent once labeled as fertilizer. In the case of Denali, recorded spills continue to occur.
Read MoreDenali cleans up spill

Spotlight shines on The Show’s 30th year

A Cassville fall is not complete without seeing local talent perform in The Show, an event celebrating it’s 30th year this weekend, with all proceeds benefitting the Cassville High School marching band. Greg Beck, with Hometown Sound and the Red Hots, the band that plays the cover songs performers sing in The Show, said participants are excited to celebrate the milestone.
Read MoreSpotlight shines on The Show’s 30th year

A time for treats!

There will be no shortage of opportunity for local youth to stock up on sweets in coming days, as multiple trunk-or-treats and Halloween-themed events have been scheduled. Events kick off on Friday in Cassville, with the Cassville Health Center for Rehab and Healthcare, located at 1300 county Farm Road in Cassville, will host a trunk-or-treat on Friday from 4-6 p.m.
Read MoreA time for treats!