
Trees damaged in recent storms

A storm sporting straight line winds caused tree damage to properties along Highway 90, west of Washburn, Wednesday night. Without electricity after the storm passed, James and Cindy Huggins were sitting on their covered front porch when the century-old oak tree near their house split and landed atop their pickup. Josh Corn, of Treesout Express, was on site the next morning and said he anticipated having the entire tree removed by the following day.
Read MoreTrees damaged in recent storms

Dry Hollow wet again!

After being dry for several months, the channel below the Dry Hollow bridge in Roaring River State Park is flowing again, albeit with muddy water, after several inches of rain were received over the weekend in the Cassville and Washburn areas. Carl Bonnell, Deputy Regional Director of the Ozarks Region of State Parks, onsite at Roaring River State Park Monday morning, said his team did a great job in alerting campers to the possibility of flooding overnight Sunday night. "We let people know that the National Weather Service had issued a flood watch, and to be prepared to evacuate if necessary," Bonnell said. "Luckily, we got off easier than we might have, and the storms moved out without the river overflowing its banks." Bonnell said the river crested at about 1.6 feet above its normal flow, and was down to a little over one foot above by Monday morning. "We're in good shape down here," he said.
Read MoreDry Hollow wet again!

1,000 pounds of local produce

The Harvest Community Garden in Shell Knob may see its largest crop yet this year, as Director Betty Ragland said she thinks the garden may top 1,000 pounds of produce. In its seventh year, the Harvest Community Garden is a volunteer-run half-acre plot behind the United Methodist Church in Shell Knob, and all the produce harvested stays local.
Read More1,000 pounds of local produce

Depot Diner: Created for community

As a senior project manager for independent retirement communities across the United States, Chuck Leininger knows well that people — of retirement age or otherwise — need a place to gather for meals. With his someday-retirement in mind, several years ago, Leininger and his wife Carol, residents of Lincoln, Neb., purchased a house and property near Table Rock Airport, near Golden.
Read MoreDepot Diner: Created for community

Barry County MU Extension hires nutritionist

The MU Extension in Barry County hired a new employee over the summer, a nutritionist charged with educating the public on options for healthy eating and living. Bailey McAlister, a McDonald County graduate with an associate’s degree from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M and a bachelor’s in ag communication from the University of Arkansas, started as nutrition program associate on June 12.
Read MoreBarry County MU Extension hires nutritionist

Community engagement plan finalized

The Cassville school district has finalized its Community Engagement Plan, a new post-COVID requirement by the state aiming to help school boards maintain open communication with the public. Merlyn Johnson, Cassville superintendent, said during the COVID-19 pandemic, some districts had struggled with individuals coming to meetings hoping to speak to the board even though they were not on the agenda.
Read MoreCommunity engagement plan finalized

News briefs, Aug. 16

Parents and guardians of Cassville school district students may find important back-to-school information at Included is information on returning to classes, enrollment, food service information, Stop, Drop and Go information and more.
Read MoreNews briefs, Aug. 16

Sales tax revenues sag in July

For the second month in a row, only the second time this year, sales tax receipts for Barry County in July slipped below totals received by its cities and county governments. Totals nonetheless held very close to a year ago as the bloom of the pandemic surge fades with normal shopping habits and travel resuming.
Read MoreSales tax revenues sag in July