
Kyle Troutman: It’s in your hands

In six days, Barry County voters who select a Republican ballot in the Primary Election will have their say in 10 contested races for local, state and national positions. While all the state and national winners on the GOP ballots will have Democrat opponents — including our state house and state senate districts — for the three contested races locally, Tuesday represents the culmination of a long and arduous campaign season with no opponents waiting in the wings.
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Kyle Troutman: Back in the swing

After nearly two months of being displaced, Jordan and I — as well as our staff — were beyond elated to get back into the swing of things at our office on Main Street. On the morning of May 26, we, like many of you, awoke to the hail-acious windstorm that caused millions in damage to property and homes in Barry County.
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Trout Tales, July 17

I stopped by the FEMA Event Center last week to see my favorite hillbilly, Rusty Pliers. This magician and ventriloquist performed for the Cassville Branch Library’s Summer Reading Program, and the YMCA day campers enjoyed the show, too.
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Kyle Troutman: Taking the leap

In August 2012, my friends and I took a day trip to Greers Ferry, Ark., for a few hours on the lake and an early-20s pasttime — cliff jumping. Looking down over the edge of the 30-foot cliff was a little dizzying, and if we’re being honest, even after watching my buddy launch himself off without a bit of hesitation, I was scared.
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Drake Thomas: All aboard for imagination station — Nurturing creativity in children and ourselves

The human brain is responsible more functions than we can count, but the phenomenon of imagination is one that I can never get enough of. When you stop to think that in your mind’s eye, you can conceptualize and visualize a project or idea, and make it come to life — that’s incredible.
Read MoreDrake Thomas: All aboard for imagination station — Nurturing creativity in children and ourselves