
James Weaver: Count your blessings

This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all to attend worship services. Guess what? There is a major American holiday that happens between Halloween and Christmas! You may not notice this among the retailers, but it is on the calendar! It’s called Thanksgiving — that’s the day before Black Friday.
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Trout Tales, Nov. 1

Last Thursday, I went to see The Show in its 30th year, and through all the lights, sounds, and even Drake Thomas’ snakeskin emerald green suit, my fish eye couldn’t stay off Jim Craig. There are lots of legends about Jim. He once played a trombone note so loud Flat Creek ran backward. A few years back, his sunglasses caused a solar eclipse. We have reports today his backup vocals are still echoing down at Campbell Point. It was a treat to see the man in action. If Jim’s energy is any indication, his replacement for the last number, middle school band member Jacob Hudson, should have a few legends of his own soon!
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Kyle Troutman: Friday night features

Autumn is falling away as fast as the leaves on our trees, and with the change in weather will come a change in sports seasons. I’ve been covering high school and collegiate football for 15 seasons now, starting in 2009 stringing for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette to this Friday, and hopefully more this year, now as publisher of the Cassville Democrat.
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Jeff Fugitt: There’s more we can do

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” That it what we read in James 1:27 in the New Testament. This text is a great reminder to us of an important biblical truth: healthy faith results in actions that reflect the character of God.
Read MoreJeff Fugitt: There’s more we can do