
Trout Tales, Jan. 15

While the boss was homebound due to last week’s snow, I was sent on assignment to find the best sledding hill in Barry County. Alas, I was distracted by this scene at the home of Adrian Reed in Purdy.
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Kyle Troutman: Precipitating memories

“This is the most snow I’ve ever seen in my life!” That’s what my 9-year-old exclaimed Friday morning as we woke up to 5-and-ahalf inches of pristine, wet, heavy, perfect-forsnowmen- and-sledding snowfall. School had already been canceled the night before, and we took advantage of the call to sleep in a bit before bundling up and heading to the hill.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: Precipitating memories

Randy Crane: The problems of life and the necessity of Christian growth

This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all to attend worship services. Paul writes to the church that we are to seek to grow in our Christian faith so that we might reach “fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13) He goes on to state the purpose of such growth, “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.
Read MoreRandy Crane: The problems of life and the necessity of Christian growth

Kyle Troutman: 2024 in review

I’ve been pondering this piece for a few days, and every time I do, I land at the same question — where do I even begin? To say this year has been a whirlwind is an understatement. We started 2024 with a gleam in our eyes, coming off our first year of ownership of the Democrat where we enjoyed incredible support and success.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: 2024 in review