Defeat does not define you; your response does. This phrase consumed my thoughts as I was driving home after the MSHSAA State Wrestling Championships a couple of weeks ago.
I’ve survived my 10th Opening Day! It was great to see all my friends, like Scott Hettinger and Joel Topham and even Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe. Thousands of my brothers did not make it, but their sacrifice is not in vain — it’s in butter and oil!
Revelation 1:8: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” On March the 5th, I brought a message on effects. Everything in life causes some kind of an effect either to us or around us, some are lasting effects and some are just for a moment.
Small-town living invites a greater sense of community than big-city life, and only a few communities exhibit that in the way of those whose lives revolve around Roaring River State Park. The most-visited park in the state for the third year running, we all know what a treasure we have here.
This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all to attend worship services. In the first chapter of Genesis, during the fourth day, God made the great lights “to separate the day from night; let them serve as signs and for the fixing of seasons, days and years.
Coming up with a topic for this guest column is the hardest part for me. If you know me, you know, as a co-worker once said, “Don’t ask Cheryl what she thinks, she’ll tell you.” I’m not usually at a loss for words.
It was "Party Time" last week at Mizzou Arena as I watched the Cassville wrestlers kick some tail at state. I don’t care what the old fogies say around here — these kids aren’t snowflakes!
Open enrollment legislation working its way through the state General Assembly would enable K-12 students to attend school in a nonresident district. This may appeal to parents for a variety of reasons including specialized academic offerings, class sizes, friendships, facilities, sports, location, convenience and the overall feeling/atmosphere of a district.
Everywhere you turn in Barry County, ground is moving. Just last week, the Barry County Commission led a groundbreaking for the new jail and health department, a result of years of work and attempts at remedying the ongoing safety issues at the current jail.