
Jeremiah Buntin: Absent history
In February the Barry County Museum will on occasion receive an inquiry related to Black history in the area. Some of the curiosity may stem from a misconception due to the name of the Black School House on the museum campus, which was named after the Black family rather than the race.
Read MoreJeremiah Buntin: Absent historyTroutMom says: Research and retractions
I am working on a research project for one of my final courses for my Bachelor’s Degree. The class was given three choices for their projects, but all of them have to do with misinformation.
Read MoreTroutMom says: Research and retractionsRich Cummings: The special nature of unreciprocated love
This devotional and directory is made possible by these businesses who encourage all to attend worship services. Iwas in the seventh grade and our gym teacher decided it was time for our exercise to turn to dancing.
Read MoreRich Cummings: The special nature of unreciprocated loveKyle Troutman: Ads here and ads there
My 7-year-old was playing on her iPad the other day, some game where she dresses up horses or something. She was bee-boppin’ along, humming a little tune as happy as a lark when the unthinkable happened.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: Ads here and ads there
Trout Tales, Feb. 15
My fish eye was starstruck this week when ESPN came to town again! Luis Alferso Alvarez did a great job on the commentary, Ashley Brewer may have been overdressed but sure held down the anchor seat, and Troy Aikman was really getting into the game. It’s pretty amazing ESPN comes to work our Tip-Off games — I can’t wait to see who they send next year!.
Read MoreTrout Tales, Feb. 15Jon Horner: Eluding financial envy
Recently my pastor, Jeff, did a great message on envy. As one of the seven deadly sins, it can definitely impact people’s lives and most often it’s not a beneficial impact.
Read MoreJon Horner: Eluding financial envyGerry Mann: Leadership determines success
I’ve been asked to put an opinion piece together for the paper, and at first, I didn’t really have anything I thought I could put together. The assignment was to put together an article for my field or industry.
Read MoreGerry Mann: Leadership determines successJoey Rose: Water supply needs to be protected
Dear Editor: Please keep up the work on the free fertilizer issue. I have gotten samples and I’m very concerned for the future of Barry County water supply.
Read MoreJoey Rose: Water supply needs to be protectedNathan Toon: Living anxiety free
As I have sought the Lord in this time for what I should write considering His Word for my brothers, sisters, and neighbors of Cassville, Missouri, I have been given Philippians 4 verses 4-8. It reads out of the English Standard Version this way: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Read MoreNathan Toon: Living anxiety free